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ECONOMY: Which way Uganda?

Taking stock of Uganda’s economy 55 years after independence Kampala, Uganda | COMMENT | SARAH LOGAN| October 9 marked 55 years since Uganda’s independence in 1962. The country’s economy has seen many changes during this time, affected by periods of political instability, civil war, fluctuating global commodity prices, and various …

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COMMENT: Museveni on Bobi Wine

To see young people oblivious of the issues but in leadership is not good for the country COMMENT | Yoweri Kaguta Museveni | Again, I congratulate our young friend, the Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, for his recent election in Kyadondo North.  I also notice that he is quite …

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COMMENT: Guns against dialogue

Cheering by NRM as soldiers bundled MPs from parliament shows missed history lessons COMMENT | Martin M. Lwanga | In all her 54 year history, one fact that remains undeniable is that in Uganda we are low on conflict resolution skills. We also learn little from history. The latest escapade …

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COMMENT: Danger of divisions in Uganda

Why Ugandans need to build social cohesion in order to craft a national identity and build a nation COMMENT | Reagan Wamajji | Recently, I had the pleasure of interacting with individuals on a rather interesting topic; Social cohesion; crafting a national identity and nation building. I had never taken …

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WORLD: Hazards behind the headlines

Never before has the role of journalism been so important and never before has it been so risky COMMENT | Hannah Storm | Not too long ago, the only journalists working in conflict areas who might be afforded protection were those working for wealthy, predominantly Western news organisations. These journalists …

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COMMENT: Reform IMF/World Bank

  The Bretton Woods institutions must align representation with countries’ relative importance  COMMENT | Paola Subacchi | This October, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will hold their annual conference. It can’t be business as usual. To remain legitimate, effective, and accountable, the Bretton Woods institutions, established in the …

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COMMENT: Negative side of IT

  It is improving the lives of many but its monopoly power is also fueling wealth and income inequality  COMMENT | Mordecai Kurz | For more than 30 years in advanced economies, particularly the United States, wealth and income inequality have increased, real (inflation-adjusted) wages have risen slowly, and retirees …

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