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COMMENT: Fixing fixed-investment

Governments should make it harder for companies buying back shares without paying dividends By Jim O’Neill Back in February, I noted that the global economy at the end of 2016 was in a stronger cyclical position than most people had expected, given the political upheavals of the previous 12 months. …

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COMMENT: Fr Musaala on police blues

Behind police blues: Criminal elements within the force, which give it a bad name, are not there by chance  By Fr Anthony Musaala The demonisation of the Uganda Police Force has been underway for some time. It is yet another distraction from the main difficulty Ugandans face, that is, the …

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COMMENT: Why scientists are marching

Those who regard the scientific method as a core value of society must step forward to defend its central role By Stephen Matlin, Goverdhan Mehta, Henning Hopf, and Alain Krief On April 22, scientists from around the world marked Earth Day by participating in an unprecedented “March for Science.” The …

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COMMENT: Big bond for Africa

ca  A U.S$100 billion bond could be used to help guarantee financing for major regional infrastructure projects such as the East Africa Railway  By Nancy Birdsall and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala  The countries of Sub-Saharan Africa have reached a critical juncture. Strained by a collapse in commodity prices and China’s economic slowdown, …

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COMMENT: Tobacco worse than terrorism

Uganda should learn from the Kenyan court and get tough on one of the leading causes of preventable deaths By David Kabanda Tobacco is a leading cause of preventable death globally. Its consumption is associated with increased risk of several cancers, including lung, larynx, oesophagus, oral cavity and pharynx, bladder, …

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