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COMMENT: Ethics of healthcare

Can our health professionals practice ethically in an unethical environment? By: Moses Mulumba A few weeks back we lost Dr. Margaret Mungherera and a lot has been said and written about her. I had a privilege to severally interact with her and our last interaction was on a radio talk …

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COMMENT: AU reform prescriptions

Are Kagame’s proposals to fellow African leaders too bitter a pill for them? By Gerald Mbanda The Rwandan President Paul Kagame, during the recent 28th African Union (AU) Summit in Addis Ababa, presented recommendations for the institutional reform of the African Union. He told his fellow leaders that these would …

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COMMENT: Checks and balances before roads

Successful projects are not just about professional skill and technocratic expertise but accurate facts and public interest By: Paolo Mauro In the 2016 American presidential election, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump agreed that the US economy is suffering from dilapidated infrastructure, and both called for greater investment in renovating and …

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COMMENT: Trump and rebirth of press freedom

In a healthy democracy, the press helps citizens hold the government accountable, by vigorously interrogating official policies and behavior By: Tony Karon U.S President Donald Trump’s administration has shocked the mainstream press by bullying news outlets and unabashedly trafficking in “alternative facts” (also known as lies). But Trump’s challenge to …

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COMMENT: Rethinking role of media

There is tendency in Uganda for the `privilegentia’ to prescribe a role for the mass media that only furthers their privileges  By: Isabella Bwiire Talking about the role of the media, pre-supposes that journalists being the main players in the mass media are not value neutral. This of course doesn’t …

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COMMENT: Uganda and Trump’s Gag Rule

COMMENT: By Joy Asasira & Dennis Jjuuko Is American foreign policy to blame or poor prioritisation by the Ugandan government? U.S President Ronald Reagan first invoked the global gag rule also known as the Mexico City Policy in 1984, followed by President George W. Bush in 2001. President Donald Trump …

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