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COMMENT: Budgeting for a sustainable future

Leaving people behind and under-investing in basic quality services, carries social, economic, and political risks Uganda’s draft National Budget Framework Paper for fiscal year 2017/18 proposes an ambitious 10% budget increase, benefiting mainly infrastructure, such as roads in the Albertine oil region. Funding for the security sector also increases, but …

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COMMENT: Developing skilled human capital

COMMENT: By Michael Wanyama Success, challenges of funding higher education institutions through student loan scheme It is now three years since the establishment of the student loan scheme in 2014 in Uganda. The idea of the student loan scheme was propelled by His Excellency, the President of the Republic of …

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COMMENT: Powering Africa’s future

COMMENT: By Alpha Condé Leaders are demonstrating a new determination to improve prospects for younger generations by electrifying our economies When G20 leaders meet later this year in Hamburg, investment in Africa’s future will be high on their agenda. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has already committed to using her presidency …

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COMMENT: Fallacy on global poverty

COMMENT: By Morris Komakech Every poverty eradication effort exacerbates it and perpetuates worse outcomes in the long term My friend Ojotre and his fiancee have travelled through many countries in Africa. They have marveled at the sight of expensive government guzzlers – four-wheel drives – emblazoned with big inscriptions such …

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COMMENT: NRM’S loss of direction

COMMENT: By Mwambutysa Ndebesa Recent ambassadorial appointments show domestic political calculations trumping ideological clarity The NRM government, and President Yoweri Museveni in particular, prides in being a president that is ideologically anchored. The President always says that his political actions are informed and guided by his beliefs and ideology. And …

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COMMENT: Africa’s new medical school

  COMMENT: By Michael Fairbanks It is founded on the principle that every member of a community deserves the same care and opportunity Rwanda has achieved some of the most dramatic gains in health and poverty-reduction in the world. This small, landlocked African country (the size of Massachusetts, but with …

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COMMENT: The global economy’s resilience

COMMENT: By Jim O’Neill Six major indicators suggest the global economy is growing at the fastest rate in many years Disconcerting political developments in the United States and the United Kingdom might lead one to conclude that an already challenged world economy will struggle even more in the near term. …

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COMMENT: Three surprises in 2017

  The world could be caught off guard by these potentially transformative developments Economic pundits traditionally offer their (traditionally inaccurate) New Year predictions at the beginning of January. But global conditions this year are anything but traditional, so it seemed appropriate to wait until US President Donald Trump settled into …

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COMMENT: Train professionals for rural work

COMMENT: By Alex Turihohabwe Even with high pay, facilitation, professionals who have lived in town fear village life To date every parent would wish his/her child to perform well and join a very competitive school. The competitive schools today include Kings College Buddo, St Mary’s Namagunga, St Mary’s Kisubi, Gayaza …

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COMMENT: New world order 2.0

COMMENT: By Richard N. Haass In a globalised world, a global operating system premised solely on respect for sovereignty is inadequate For nearly four centuries, since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 ended the Thirty Years’ War in Europe, the concept of sovereignty – the right of countries to an …

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