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COMMENT: Lessons from Gambia

COMMENT: By Chris Saunders & Henning Melber What southern Africa can learn from West Africa about dealing with despots? Has the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) just taught the Southern African Development Community (SADC) a lesson? The West African states effectively took a dictator to task after he …

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COMMENT: In defense of globalisation

COMMENT: By Jim O’Neill Globalisation’s critics – those wrongly considering it a zero-sum game –won’t fight global poverty I was recently in beautiful Chile for a Futures Congress, and I had a chance to travel south to the very tip of Latin America. I also recently made a BBC radio …

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COMMENT: Economics and economic crises

COMMENT: By Paola Subacchi Once seen as modern witch doctors with exclusive knowledge, economists are now despised `experts’ Is the economics profession “in crisis”? Many policymakers, such as Andy Haldane, the Bank of England’s chief economist, believe that it is. Indeed, a decade ago, economists failed to see a massive …

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COMMENT: Don’t dismiss Trump on Africa

COMMENT: By Aubrey Hruby Regardless of its professed lack of interest, the day-to-day workings of U.S.  bureaucracy mandate an African strategy The United States under President Donald Trump will still have an Africa policy. This goes against the popular view that an inward-looking Trump administration will ignore African countries and …

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Trump: Africa shouldn’t out

COMMENT: By John Campbell It’s boring bureaucrats, not his Twitter feed, that will shape his administration’s Africa policy President Donald Trump has not said much about Africa, but judging by his explosive Twitter feed, he is no great admirer of the continent. He has called South Africa a “total – …

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COMMENT: Water as a force for peace

  COMMENT: By Sundeep Waslekar Countries that share riparian systems need regional security arrangements to preserve it The changing of the guard on the 38th floor of the United Nations building in New York, with António Guterres taking over for Ban Ki-moon as UN Secretary-General, has taken place at a …

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COMMENT: Impoverished opposition can’t win

COMMENT: By Morris DC Komakech Mwenda’s targeting Besigye ignores reality that political power aligns with economic interests and vice versa In the last few weeks, our political space is simply polluted by a lackadaisical analysis of politics and the space causing forces that shape those spaces. Andrew Mwenda’s cruel targeting …

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