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COMMENT: Mwenda’s attack on Besigye

COMMENT: By Emmanuel Mukama Why should he expect “stupid and mentally retarded” FDC supporters to be as equally reflective as he? On the night of December 30, 2016, I received recordings of the 93.3 FM radio Hot Seat talk show hosted by renowned journalist Andrew Mwenda. I listen to these …

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COMMENT: South Sudan’s puppet master

  COMMENT: By Duop Chak Wuol How Museveni diplomatically outsmarted the U.S’s Obama on his role in war-torn nation President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda is the epitome of a Pan-Africanist. He is known for threatening Western leaders whenever his strong-man mentality comes under attack. He has outsmarted the USA …

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COMMENT: The plant-based solution to hunger

 COMMENT: By Barbara Unmüßig Poverty, malnutrition, and hunger must be recognised as a result of politics, not scarcity The way people eat in the industrialised world is unhealthy, unjust, and unsustainable. Far too much of the meat consumed is produced under questionable ecological, ethical, and social conditions. And now that …

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Crisis of market fundamentalism

COMMENT: By Anatole Kaletsky Factors powering next phase of capitalism must be paired with government redistribution of gains The biggest political surprise of 2016 was that everyone was so surprised. I certainly had no excuse to be caught unawares: soon after the 2008 crisis, I wrote a book suggesting that …

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COMMENT: Keynes theories reborn

COMMENT: By Koichi Hamada These old fiscal theories are like old wine in a new bottle, it often rewards those who are willing to taste it  In the fourth century, Japan’s emperor looked out from a small mountain near his palace and noticed that something was missing: smoke rising from …

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COMMENT: Africa’s infrastructure delivery

COMMENT: By Moono Mupotola Experts confirm potential of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in African (PIDA) to contribute jobs and GDP growth When the Lamu Port, South Sudan, Ethiopia Transport Corridor Project (LAPSSET) won the prestigious Global Infrastructure Leadership Forum Award in Washington DC on March 10, 2016, the project …

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COMMENT: Africa’s must-do decade

To achieve sustainable development, countries have to increase the share of manufacturing COMMENT | LI YONG | Since 2000, Africa has recorded impressive rates of economic growth, owing largely to development assistance and a prolonged commodity boom. While the continent shows great diversity in the socioeconomic trajectories, growth rates have generally …

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COMMENT: Promise of ethical machines

COMMENT: By Susan Leigh Anderson Armed with critical perspective, machines can handle unanticipated situations correctly The prospect of artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a source of knotty ethical questions. But the focus has often been on how we, the creators, can and should use advanced robots. What is missing …

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COMMENT: On-job training for graduates

COMMENT BY: Badru Walusansa Facilitate transition from education the world of work by passing on work skills and industry competencies Graduate unemployment in Uganda is stale news. Graduate unemployment figures have significantly soared for the last decade leaving no sign of scaling down. Every year, both public and private universities …

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