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Cutting bank costs can be great for NGOs

COMMENT: By Milly Kyolaba One of the biggest challenges Non Profit Organisations (NGOs) and development agencies operating in countries like Uganda face is getting the balance right between managing their budgets administrative and overhead costs versus the amount of money they actually use to support the intended beneficiaries. Critics often …

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Digital firms and electricity rates

COMMENT: David Birungi Why should the leaders of the digital revolution suffer over Uganda’s electricity demand growth rigidities? At the recently concluded Daily Monitor Thought Leader’s Forum themed around the global `Digital Revolution’, I was amazed by the revolution of HelloFood, an Online Food delivery business. According to the CEO …

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Proposed government bailout exposes emperor’s nudity

COMMENT: Nimrod Muhumuza After years of touting of Uganda’s positive economic growth in flowery language, citing growth in the manufacturing and real estate sector, and reduced poverty and inflation statistics, it is now emerging that the government is contemplating forking out over Shs1 trillion to relieve over 100 companies facing …

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UGANDA: Electricity generation and demand

Business-as-usual must be challenged if we are going to accelerate the turnaround of Uganda by 2020 COMMENT: By Harrison E. Mutikanga There is increasing debate within the public domain and in particular the energy sector on whether to continue investing in electricity generation facilities or shift focus to transmission and …

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Sci-Hub: The case for open access

The online repository Sci-Hub changed the way to 51 million scientific research, academic papers and articles COMMENT: By Nimrod Muhumuza A dark web pioneer releases a treasure trove of stolen/leaked documents, flees to another country for safety, has a multi-million dollar law suit filed against them, is denounced as a …

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UPC is not for sale

COMMENT: By Harold Acemah Early in the morning of Wednesday, June 15, a friend called me from Kampala to deliver some bad news he had just read in the Daily Monitor of that day. He told me, with anguish, that UPC and Uganda House had been sold to the proprietor …

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NSSF’s ugly Shs650m mansions

COMMENT: By Joseph Were Great corporation managers know one great thing; they know the difference between what their organisations do and why the organisations exist. Some people know Steve Jobs only for what Apple, the company he founded, does. That it creates, produces, and sells amazing computer and electronic gadgets. …

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Higher education financing

COMMENT: Michael O. Wanyama The Government of Uganda introduced the student loan scheme in 2014 primarily to increase access to higher education and support students who may not afford higher education. To achieve its objective, the Higher Education Students Financing Board was established by an Act of Parliament No. 2 …

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