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Growing businesses with strong relationships

Elevating organisations requires strategic tactics that focus on engaging with important stakeholders COMMENT | HENRY MUWAGA | Relationships need a lot of work. This applies whether it is a personal or professional relationship. Imagine you are a business owner who wants to expand your organisation’s reach and achieve sustainable business growth …

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Africa’s Russia-Ukraine peace mission

What can be achieved by a fact-finding mission of the `Africa six’ that is misrepresented as mediation? COMMENT | GILBERT M. KHADIAGALA | South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa led an initiative of six African heads of state to explore an end to the year-long Russia-Ukraine war. Announcement of the initiative followed his …

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Seats of power

A parliamentary space should help citizens comprehend who stands for what in political conflicts COMMENT | JAN- WERNER MUELLER | Is there an ideal design for parliament buildings and legislative chambers? The question seems abstract, but it comes up surprisingly often as a very concrete challenge. It arose in the 1990s, …

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Uganda’s state-sponsored homophobia

Achieving a truly inclusive society requires Ugandans to reject discriminatory ideology COMMENT | SARAH KIHIKA KASANDE | In late May, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act, a new law that institutionalises the persecution of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) people and, more broadly, promotes a culture …

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The geopolitics of nature

There are straightforward ways to improve engagement toward shared climate and nature goals COMMENT | SIMON ZADEK | From Russia’s war against Ukraine to America’s rivalry with China, tectonic geopolitical shifts have shaken multilateralism in recent years. While many of the consequences from surging food and energy prices to the rising …

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Can democracy survive the Polycrisis?

Saving the world from artificial intelligence, climate change, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine COMMENT | GEORGE SOROS | We are living in troubled times. Too much is happening too fast. People are confused. The Columbia University economic historian Adam Tooze has, indeed, popularised a word for it. He calls it …

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