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Winners and losers in the AI arms race

Generative artificial-intelligence models like ChatGPT will revolutionize the economy, though no one can say when COMMENT | BARRY EICHENGREEN | The first rule of forecasting, the financial journalist Jane Bryant Quinn once observed, is this: give them a forecast or give them a date; just never give them both. So, here’s …

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How Europe’s carbon border tax could help Africa

The EU’s carbon border adjustment mechanism is designed to lower greenhouse-gas emissions and encourage cleaner industrial production beyond its borders COMMENT | CARLOS LOPES | As the European Union pursues vigorous efforts to achieve its targets under the Paris climate agreement, the bloc’s proposed carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) offers the …

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Dollar relief for the global south

The Fed’s dramatic interest-rate hikes have had dire implications for debt sustainability in the developing world COMMENT | HIPPOLYTE FOFACK |  The US Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates by 475 basis points over the course of 12 months, in a bid to curb inflation, was bound to be …

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Wetlands are critical to keeping migrating birds soaring

World Migratory Bird Day clebrated 13th May 2023 COMMENT | JULIE MULONGA & DR KARIUKI NDANG’ANG’A |  For centuries, the phenomenon of bird migration has awed humanity. So much so, that the 4th Century BC Greek philosopher Aristotle, noting that the types of birds around him changed with the seasons, suggested that birds …

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Turkey’s democratic resilience

Cambridge, UK |  AYSE ZARAKOL – PROJECT SYNDICATE |   Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections on May 14 have been called the most important of the year. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is trailing in polls behind his main opponent, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party …

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FrankenTech is upon us

At a time of geopolitical conflict and ideological polarisation, can we prevent it being weaponized? COMMENT | ROBERT SKIDELSKY | In Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, scientist Victor Frankenstein famously uses dead body parts to create a hyperintelligent “superhuman” monster that – driven mad by human cruelty and …

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Lost decade for global economy

Can the world avoid annual global growth falling to a three-decade low of 2.2% and remain weak? COMMENT | KAUSHIK BASU | The Spring Meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund usually provide a platform for various organisations, policymakers, and commentators to reflect on the state of the …

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Be the enterpreneur you aspire to be

The core competency of the entrepreneur is not business acumen or marketing ability but rather empathy COMMENT | MICHAEL JJINGO | As we see many graduands aspire to be enterpreneurs, we also witness quite a number of employees are honing a dream of going into private business to not only own …

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