Saturday , September 28 2024
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Ecology as New Enlightenment

Experience suggests the 18th century Enlightenment vision of individuals emancipated of nature was flawed COMMENT | Corine Pelluchon | Enlightenment ideas of scientific rationalism and technological domination have led us to the edge of an abyss. Unless we embrace a new Enlightenment one that places ecology and care at its core  we …

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The dark side of neutrality

It is obscene to blame Ukraine for Russian acts of destruction or its resistance as a rejection of peace COMMENT | Slavoj Žižek | Last May, before being newly re-elected as president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva claimed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, bear …

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Expanding Internet to underserved communities

The Ugandan government and other stakeholders ought to prioritise to boost economic transformation COMMENT | Michael Mukasa | Over the past three decades, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Technology has transformed the way we communicate, obtain information and do business. However, the benefits of the internet …

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We are not ‘the gays’, we are okay

COMMENT | Olivia Nalubwama | Lately, homosexuality in a hostile takeover has grabbed our social media feeds and news headlines. The news headlines must be grateful for the break. Now we do not have to hear about corruption, unbridled ineptitude, and torture nio nio nio. We Ugandans of upright standing and …

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Media and the gay debate

  It’s important to put in place safety valves for a more nuanced, hate free debate that seeks to inform rather than vilify COMMENT | Frank Mugisha | The media is an important aspect of our lives; especially in fully grown or nascent democracies. It’s an important channel of information through which …

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COMMENT: Expanding internet connectivity to underserved communities in Uganda will boost economic transformation

  COMMENT | MICHAEL MUKASA |  Over the past three decades, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Technology has transformed the way we communicate, obtain information and do business. However, the benefits of the internet have not reached everyone equally, especially in the underserved areas …

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Africa’s agribusiness sector

Five reasons why it should drive the continent’s economic development COMMENT | Lilac Nachum | Africa’s agriculture sector accounts for about 35% of the continent’s gross domestic product, and provides the livelihood of more than 50% of the continent’s population. These shares are more than double those of the world average and …

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