Saturday , September 28 2024
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Globalisation’s latest last stand

  Geopolitics is once again threatening to break international order lacking strong political foundations COMMENT | Robert Skidelsky | Is the world economy globalising or deglobalising? The answer would have seemed obvious in 1990. Communism had just collapsed in Central and Eastern Europe. In China, Deng Xiaoping was unleashing capitalist enterprise. And …

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Chance for Ugandans to invest abroad

Why this good news risks being misunderstood as bad news by foreign investors COMMENT | Joseph Were | On February 01, The Independent news magazine’s online edition reported on Standard Chartered Bank Uganda’s launch of an offshore Mutual Funds product. As the Standard Chartered Bank CEO Sanjay Rughani said at the launch, …

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Can the West Woo Africa?

Despite America’s pledge to deliver $55 billion, the West cannot match China’s deep pockets COMMENT | Ana Palacio | The United States is finally paying attention to Africa. But recent attempts at engagement – the US-Africa Leaders Summit in December and U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s ten-day tour of the continent last …

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Turkey eathquake: What if it was Uganda?

If buildings can collapse on their own in calm Kampala, what would happen if a 7.0+ earthquake visited Uganda? COMMENT | Samson Tinka | A magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Turkey’s southeast and neighboring Syria on February 6, killing more than 47,000 people and leaving more than a million people homeless along …

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Economists misunderstand a key indicator

This big problem shows we must not allow economics to advise society with flawed theories and indicators COMMENT | Tiago Cardao-Pito | In studies, forecasts and recommendations to governments, markets are seen as capable of processing so-called rational information. Economists claim that firms’ market prices result from rational expectation about their future …

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Climate finance for the developing world

A smarter international strategy is crucial for driving greater investment toward clean-energy projects COMMENT | Sumant Sinha | Recent estimates suggest that the developing world will need $1 trillion of external climate finance annually by 2025, and $2.4 trillion per year by 2030, to meet the goals enshrined in the Paris climate …

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