Saturday , September 28 2024
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How threatening are threats?

How threat talk motivates conspiracy theories, misinformation, and shapes elections and investments COMMENT | Michele J. Gelfand and Virginia Choi | From climate-change alarms and “tripledemic” concerns to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock, we are awash in dire warnings. News and social media alert us daily to the dangers of …

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More war means more inflation

Why that will lead to larger fiscal deficits, more debt monetisation, and higher inflation in future COMMENT | Nouriel Roubini | Inflation rose sharply throughout 2022 across both advanced economies and emerging markets. Structural trends suggest that the problem will be secular, rather than transitory. Specifically, many countries are now engaged in …

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Al-Shabaab is just a symptom

The causes of Somalia’s tragedy are still in place since the murder of President Abdirashid Sharmarke in in 1969 COMMENT | Abdi Ismail Samatar | For at least 14 years now, the militant group Al-Shabaab has terrorised the southern region of Somalia. Its ambition is to impose a tyrannical dictatorship over the …

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Impunity is not how we build a better Uganda

COMMENT | Olivia Nalubwama | In recent days, yet another embarrassing video of a geriatric African president failing spectacularly trended online – 89-year-old Cameroonian president Paul Biya lost his marbles for an excruciating three minutes during the December 2022 USA-Africa Summit. In the video, he farts, looks around seemingly unaware that …

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Human values for artificial intelligence

It remains impossible to predict all the ways AI will reshape human lives and civilisation COMMENT | Ana Palacio | This may be the year when artificial intelligence transforms daily life. So said Brad Smith, President and Vice Chairman of Microsoft, at a Vatican-organised event. But Smith’s statement was less a prediction …

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Sleepwalking on Megathreat Mountain

How current intellectual and cultural climate forebodes the madness in the great interwar novel, The Magic Mountain COMMENT | Nouriel Roubini | A host of interconnected “megathreats” is imperiling our future. While some of these have been long in the making, others are new. The stubbornly low inflation of the pre-pandemic period …

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