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The faith-based Reaganomics of Liz Truss

Are her government’s tax cuts, ostensibly aimed to stimulate economic growth, brilliant or crazy? COMMENT | CHRIS PATEN | The death and funeral of Queen Elizabeth II united the British people in grief, highlighting the bonds that hold the United Kingdom together: a shared sense of decency, purpose, and fairness. …

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Why populists don’t concede

 They cry fraud because they base on the claim that they, and only they, represent `the real people’ COMMENT | JAN-WERNER MUELLER | In the run-up to Brazil’s presidential election next month, President Jair Bolsonaro is crafting his own version of former U.S. President Donald Trump’s “Big Lie”: the claim …

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Bribery in 7 African countries

Mining multinational Glencore’s leadership must be held accountable for company’s corrupt behavior COMMENT | NJ AYUK | When U.S. energy company Enron made global headlines in the early 2000s for accounting and corporate fraud, attention was on the decision-makers behind the company’s actions. Ultimately, Enron executives Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, …

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Capitalism and the Queen

  Elizabeth II was a Smithian light who reminded society of the value of compassion and Stoic virtues COMMENT | JACOB SOLL | It might seem like an obscure footnote among the history-making events of 2022, but the year of Queen Elizabeth II’s death coincides with the 300th anniversary of …

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A regulated pensions environment breeds transparency and accountability

COMMENT | Lydia Mirembe | There was a time when the retirement benefits sector in Uganda was defined by gross mismanagement, lack of transparency and accountability, outright corruption and brazen embezzlement of savers’ money. The establishment of a Sector Regulator since 2011, has provided a foundation for continued improvement in scheme …

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