Saturday , September 28 2024
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Do algorithms help to reduce crime?

Why predicting individual crimes by using criminals’ habits against them appears to be a good investment COMMENT | GIOVANNI MASTROBUONI | We all tend to follow habits at work and in other aspects of our lives. I generally work best in the morning and hate working after dinner. Our habits …

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Co-operation for sustainable oil production

The case for cooperation in the sustainable exploitation of natural resources has never been stronger COMMENT | DR. JANE NAMBAKIRE MULEMWA | Following the announcement of the Final Investment Decision (FID) in February 2022, and the recent accession of the Democratic republic of Congo (DRC) into the East African Community …

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We are again facing global challenges

Can international community still do big things with a sense of urgency, shared purpose, common endeavor? COMMENT | KEVIN WATKINS | When U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau opened the Bretton Woods Conference almost 80 years ago, he reminded delegates that failures of international cooperation had led to the …

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COMMENT: We can all fit on the road

COMMENT | ELIZABETH K. PATIENCE | Thank God that not long ago, we received the long awaited showers of blessings that saved us from dust. However, the roads sometimes seem too small for the motorists and pedestrians. When I say “road” I don’t only mean the highway but all passable …

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Sheeba’s sickening publicity stunt

COMMENT | ANDREW M. MWENDA | A local musician known as Sheeba Kalungi went on YouTube with a video. She claimed that some man who appears on television and presents himself as a role model raped her. She does not reveal the name of this man but claims this man …

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Elon Musk’s Twitter test

If platform becomes too toxic, advertisers might leave altogether, jeopardising the its revenue COMMENT | ZACH MEYERS | With Elon Musk buying of Twitter for $44 billion, commentators are scrambling to understand what the “free speech absolutism” espoused by the world’s richest person will mean for the platform. But the …

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The gathering stagflationary storm

Impact of negative aggregate supply shocks that have curtailed production and increased costs  COMMENT | NOURIEL ROUBINI | The new reality with which many advanced economies and emerging markets must reckon is higher inflation and slowing economic growth. And a big reason for the current bout of stagflation is a …

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