Saturday , September 28 2024
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EA economic sectors ripe for tech innovation

Three vital sectors that could hold the key to how well the region recovers to suit the post-pandemic global economy COMMENT | HARDEEP SOUND | As East Africa opens its economy following two years of pandemic-related disruption, the region needs to prioritise digitisation and innovation. This can help countries across …

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The Ukraine tragedy

Rebutting Andrew Mwenda’s attempt to intentionally or unintentionally distorts facts to suit his arguments COMMENT | JACK PINTO | Refer to: “The Ukraine tragedy: How America is dragging the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation in a matter of no strategic interest to it” (The Independent March 04). In …

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The Parish Development Model

Fronting Revolving Fund as a Flagship is putting the development cart before the horse COMMENT | WALTER AKENA | In February 2022, Government of Uganda launched the Parish Development Model (PDM). The PDM aims to lift the 39% of Uganda’s population from the subsistence to money economy and has seven …

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Preparing for employment in Uganda’s oil and gas sector

Over 16 sectors have by law been ring-fenced for local companies. Transport, security, foods, beverages, hotel management and catering, human resource management, office supplies, fuel supplies, land surveying, clearing and forwarding, locally available construction materials and civil works COMMENT | ABDUL KIBUUKA | Sixteen years since commercially viable oil deposits …

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Preparing for climate change

  Practical measures to strengthen land tenure security in support of food security are required urgently  COMMENT | CHRISTOPHER BURKE | Climate change is real.  Greater effort is required to improve land governance and agrobiodiveristy in order to strengthen resilience to deal with the adverse effects of climate change already …

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Addressing Uganda’s poor growth

Why the citizens need a mind shift to deal with multidimensional poverty and persistent inequality COMMENT | JOHN DDUMBA-SSENTAMU | Uganda aspires to become an upper-middle-income country by 2040. This is classified by the World Bank as a country with Gross National Income per capita income above $4,096. That’s far …

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Russia’s war and the global economy

The risk is that markets and political analysts will underestimate the implications of this regime shift COMMENT | NOURIEL ROUBINI | Now that Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, we must consider the economic and financial consequences of this massive historic development. The Ukraine war …

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