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The real dividing line in Israel-Palestine

The choice isn’t between Hamas and Israeli hardliners because these are two sides of the same coin COMMENT | SLAVOJ ZIZEK | The barbarism that Hamas has unleashed on Israel should be condemned unconditionally, with no “ifs” or “buts.” The massacres, rapes, and abductions of civilians from villages, kibbutzim, and a …

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Our noisy parliamentary theatre

Why the sacred institution has become a resting place for populists elected for their noise-making abilities   COMMENT | MICHAEL WOIRA | In the heart of any functioning democracy lies its parliamentary system, a sacred institution entrusted with the responsibility of shaping the nation’s destiny. However, recent events have painted a …

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The global North must follow South’s lead

A new generation of leaders are making their voices heard and rising to meet the challenges we face today COMMENT | GORDON BROWN | With her ambitious Bridgetown Agenda to reform the international financial architecture, Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has become a powerful advocate for climate justice. But she …

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Economic structural transformation as a pathway to economic independence in Uganda

Uganda’s economic landscape presents several critical challenges that necessitate attention and intervention. Firstly, agriculture, which engages most of the labor force, requires substantial improvements in productivity. COMMENT | BOB TWINOMUGISHA | As Uganda celebrates 61 years of independence under the theme ‘Sustaining a united and progressive nation, taking charge of our future …

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The curse of identity politics and practice

The 7 factors behind the practice of exploiting shared origins and/or beliefs unrelated to performance to gain advantage COMMENT | Kant Ateenyi Kanyarusoke | In his Independence Day address, President Museveni outlined 8 key issues that we should be addressing as a nation to thrive and even make requirement for so called …

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What will follow Hamas’s war?

The attack will provide Israel’s security establishment the opportunity to destroy `the terrorist infrastructure’ COMMENT | BARAK BARFI | The multi-pronged operation that Hamas launched against Israel one day after the anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War is eerily similar to that conflict. Daring and unexpected, both attacks caught Israel …

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Fare thee well, Bernard ‘Sisye’ Kirya

Bernard ‘Sisye’ Kirya and myself were excited by Manjasi Headteacher Keith Mutengu’s 1975 Independence Day offer of “Entambula” and Cakes OBITUARY | Alfred Geresom Musamali | Bernard Kirya (Sisye) and myself were among the most excited Senior One (S1) students when at the morning assembly of Wednesday 8th October, 1975, our headteacher …

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Can national reconciliation defeat populism?

Why U.S. should spearhead mending of flawed democracies in allied countries through national reconciliation COMMENT | MACIEJ KISILOWSKI & ANNA WOJCIUK | Pro-Russian populist Robert Fico’s strong showing in Slovakia’s election could lead to another fracture in the Western-led coalition to counter Vladimir Putin’s imperialism. Already, cracks have been emerging in …

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Affirmative action under siege

The conundrum of group-based policies for countries riddled with deep-rooted intergroup inequalities COMMENT | ASHWINI DESHPANDE | Should individuals receive differential treatment based on race, caste, gender, religion, or any other accident of birth? In June 2023, the United States Supreme Court answered this question with a firm “no,” as it …

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