Saturday , September 28 2024
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Vandalising Umeme infrastructure is costly

The vice is as dangerous as terrorism since its effect can be as severe if power is cut from security installations COMMENT | MBAGA TUZUNDE  | Vandalism of infrastructure is increasingly becoming a challenge to the country. The electricity, water, communication, and road sectors have all been affected by the …

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Is curfew still necessary?

COMMENT | BENJAMIN AGABA |  Curfew comes from a French word “couvre feu” which means to cover the fire. The English adopted it and it became “curfew” meaning a regulation by which fires had to be put out at a certain fixed time mainly in the evening, marked by the ringing …

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Uganda’s bulldozer – Nabbanja

COMMENT | Samson Tinka | The appointment of Robinah Nabbanja as a Prime Minister of Uganda caught almost everyone by surpsie. There had been various guesses of likely candidates, but nothing pointed towards her direction. One politician even belittled this appointment.  Member of Parliament Ssemujju Nganda said that she cannot even …

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Management of local government revenue

   Parliament right to reverse directive requiring local governments to remit all local revenues to Consolidated Fund COMMENT | WALTER AKENA | On Wednesday September 08, 2021, Parliament adopted a motion to urge government to reverse the directive requiring local governments to remit all local revenues to the Consolidated Fund. …

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Annulment of the Anti-pornography law

Women’s Rights Movement of Uganda lauds it as a signal of hope for gender equality, warns of battles ahead COMMENT | PRIMAH KWAGALA | When the five-judge panel at the Constitutional court annulled the retrogressive Anti-Pornography Act, 2014 last month, the celebrations from the women’s movement and those members of …

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Archbishop appointment of Nankabirwa is strategic

It would be utter irresponsibility for the Church of Uganda not to interest itself in what happens in cabinet COMMENT | SABIITI MARTIN RWABIHURWA | In yet another masterstroke, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Most Rev. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, appointed Ruth Nankabirwa, the minister of Energy as Church …

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Digitise collection of donations to church

Churches shouldn’t overlook the now unavoidable solutions towards giving that is smart, fast, and virus free COMMENT | MICHAEL JJINGO | Change is real! Many people doubted the migrating of television programs from analogue to digital, even after appreciating the spin offs that were to follow; crystal clear pictures, better …

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Gig economy is the future of work

  The question is how digital platforms and policymakers might provide protection and benefits COMMENT | SAQIB MUNIR | There is no doubt that 2021 and 2020 have been defining years for the world. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will shape our lives for decades to come – both …

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