Saturday , September 28 2024
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Poverty undermines Uganda’s public education

How the incidence, depth, duration, and timing of poverty together influence a child’s educational attainment COMMENT | HAMZA WAMONO | March 2020 will forever be remembered in the education community as the month when all schools in the country shut their doors. The government instituted nationwide school closures due to …

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This is our time to get food systems right

Following the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa’s food systems approach to tackling hunger and poverty COMMENT | HAILEMARIAM DESSALEGN |  For many decades, it has been perceived that the solution to food insecurity in Africa is increased agricultural productivity. While this is part of the solution, it is not …

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Wage bill management in local governments

Leveraging information technologies is crucial in mitigating challenges posed by new normal of COVID-19 COMMENT | PHOEBE ATUKUNDA | The Government of Uganda decentralised human resources management and development to Local Governments (LGs) under Section 126 of the Local Governments Act Cap 243. This legislation gives LGs powers to determine …

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The Uganda Airlines I travelled in 

COMMENT | Samson Tinka | “Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive,” author Barry Lopez wrote. This today, applies to Ugandan Airlines, who will definitely need many positive stories to keep in the sky. On 19th July 21, I travelled to one of the countries in …

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Africa: clean cooking

Lifting the lid on dirty cooking fuels and calling for clean cooking solutions to millions of African households COMMENT | MO IBRAHIM AND MARY ROBINSON | When world leaders gather at summits to discuss global issues, do they ever stop to ask how the food was prepared or by whom? …

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