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The symphony of synergy

The power of sharing of ideas, research, and development resources in enhancing service delivery and business COMMENT | BARBARA NAMUBIRU | In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the adage “no man is an island” has never been more meaningful. The power of collaboration is a critical driver of success, not only …

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Museveni’s push for interest rate capping

Despite understandable frustration among the general public, it won’t be easy avoiding the Cobra’s Bite COMMENT | SIMON M. MUTUNGI | During the British imperial rule in India, the city of Delhi found itself grappling with a significant infestation of venomous cobras. In an earnest attempt to mitigate this issue, the …

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The roots of the global water crisis

Why policymakers shouldn’t emphasise minor changes in household consumption habits COMMENT | JOSHUA CASTELLINO | In March 1977, representatives from 116 countries gathered in Mar del Plata, Argentina, for the inaugural United Nations Water Conference. At the time, the event received very little attention. Global politics was dominated by a handful …

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Ideas for reducing primary school dropouts

A whopping 60% of children failing to complete just seven years of primary school is very serious matter COMMENT | PETER NYANZI | When the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) released the timetable for this year’s final examinations recently, some of their statistics left me really disturbed. According to UNEB, the …

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Democracies are not ‘backsliding’

The world is not moving “back” toward some regimes familiar from the past, nor moving by “accident’ COMMENT | JAN-WERNER MUELLER | It seems that 2023 will be another dismal year for democracy. There have been several coups in Africa. Tunisia long touted as the Arab Spring’s one democratic success story  …

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The real danger of traffic jam crimes

When no one cares, including the police, petty criminals snatching bags will go on to commit bigger crimes COMMENT | JOSEPH WERE | Okira Ito. Many Ugandans do not know that name. But they need to know it. Okira Ito was a Japanese road traffic flow expert working with Kampala Capital …

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