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An organization’s internal auditing function must be independent but not isolated

In carrying out their work, internal auditors must focus on three areas – Risk Management, Risk Control and Governance. COMMENT | Francis Banalekaki Yiga | For any business or organization, there will always be risks that could ultimately tarnish its reputation, dampen stakeholder confidence or in worst case scenario, sink the organization …

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Auditor General can’t afford stains

Bitter reality as suspended Uganda Airlines CEO tells Museveni that AG officials wanted bribe to give him `good report’                                                             COMMENT | CISSY KAGABA | Recent media reports indicate that some officers at the Office of the Auditor General are allegedly exchanging their audit opinions for sums of money, usually determined …

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Businesses regulatory compliance

Why entities must strive to comply despite the ever-changing regulatory landscape COMMENT | RHONAH NUWAKUNDA | In most markets across the world now, regulatory compliance has become a major aspect of every business entity that intends to effectively and successfully operate over time. There is more vigilance both on the …

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Corporate greed and COVID-19

  Why refusal to support waiver of WTO intellectual-property rules could prolong the pandemic COMMENT | JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ AND LORI WALLACH | The only way to end the COVID-19 pandemic is to immunise enough people worldwide. The slogan “no one is safe until we are all safe” captures the …

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The new digital taxes

The projected revenues may not be realised yet the long-term effects created may be difficult to reverse COMMENT | NATHAN WERE | The Parliament of Uganda recently passed the Excise Duty Amendment Bill, 2021 in which new taxes were introduced. One of such tax is on the internet requiring users …

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What threatens press freedom today?

The lack of transparency about how algorithms sort people into groups and prioritise messages COMMENT | JAN-WERNER MUELLER | Donald Trump’s presidency was bookended by the White House pushing “alternative facts” about the size of the crowd at Trump’s inauguration at the US Capitol and his violent supporters scrawling “Murder …

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