Saturday , September 28 2024
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The key to sustainable food systems

Renewable energy must be the foundation to raise agricultural yields, end hunger, reverse environmental degradation COMMENT | KRISTINA SKIERTINA & AISHA MOHAMMED MUSSA | The fabric of our global food system is fraying under the strain of climate change and an ever-expanding population. To prevent it from unraveling, we must embrace …

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The song of climate authoritarianism

Why the climate emergency requires serious democratic ideals to avoid it becoming a disaster COMMENT | JAN-WERNER MUELLER | This summer with its record temperatures, deadly floods, and raging wildfires, which in Canada alone destroyed the equivalent of all the trees in Germany  might have felt like a final warning: without …

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The global economy’s real enemy

Why geopolitics and not protectionism should be the worry for the future health of the world economy COMMENT | DANI RODRIK | “The era of free trade seems to be over. How will the world economy fare under protectionism?” This is one of the most common questions I hear nowadays. But …

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Human success in the AI age

Why those who optimally mix what AIs and humans each can do best will be champions in the new economy COMMENT | JAMIE METZL | Everywhere we look nowadays, we find warnings that artificial-intelligence algorithms are coming for our jobs. While Goldman Sachs estimates that two-thirds of all current jobs in …

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The African Climate Summit

Securing new trade and investment opportunities will lift millions out of poverty and adapt to climate change COMMENT | GITA BRIEL & DR. JODIE KEANE | As Africa embarks on its industrialisation drive, supported by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the realities of climate change are becoming more visible …

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Elected criminals

Why candidates who have previously been indicted or jailed secure government positions in democratic countries COMMENT | IAN BURUMA | While Donald Trump holds the dubious distinction of being the first former U.S. president to run for office while facing criminal charges, he is not the first political candidate in American …

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For whom the BRICS toll

Even if doesn’t sound the death knell of the current order, it highlights widely shared grievances against it COMMENT | ANA PALACIO | The just-concluded BRICS summit  bringing together the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa  was touted as a pivotal event that could change the contours of …

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Britain’s turn against media freedom

It’s failed to produce an internationally coordinated and funded strategy to support public-interest media COMMENT | JAMES DEANE | In July 2019, the United Kingdom’s foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, launched a global campaign for media freedom at a London conference co-organised by the Canadian government. “Today, we are joined by delegations …

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