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THE LAST WORD: Atubo’s disappointing lamentations

  THE LAST WORD: Why African elites are deluded to think the “international community” has our best interests at heart THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda |  Last week, I read with sadness, disappointment, disillusionment and frustration an article in Daily Monitor by former minister Omara Atubo. He was explaining …

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Civil servants and political pressure

c Why African governments can resist political influence in distribution of public goods but may not avoid it completely | JSUTIN SCOTT SCHON | Electricity is a hot political issue in Ghana. Ghanaians demand access to the electricity grid as a right of citizenship. And, when not connected, they have …

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Green industrialisation for Africa

Africa’s late industrialisation, which put it at a significant disadvantage, can be its greatest asset | TARIYE ISOUN GBADEGESIN | Africa has contributed less to the climate crisis than any other continent, but it will suffer some of the worst consequences. It already is: this year, Cyclone Idai killed more …

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Population data, demographic dividend and tax collection key for Uganda’s economic growth

COMMENT | Ndereya Besi | This week, Uganda plays host to two African conferences. First, the 8th African Population Conference (APC) and the 4th International Conference on tax in Africa. APC is organized in conjunction with National Population Secretariat and supported by the Union of African Population Council in conjunction with United Nations Fund …

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‘Sophia tye kwene?’

  Where is Sophia? A mother’s cry of despair and her unwavering search for her missing daughter COMMENT |  Marije Slijkerman | October 28, 2019, marks four years without Sophia. Our lovely, smart, strong-willed, lively, cheerful, ambitious and beautiful daughter and sister. It is unreal, incomprehensible, unacceptable and unbearable. It is said …

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COMMENT: Why Africa smiles

Generosity is one of the key components of Africa’s community life COMMENT | Vanessa Kimuri & Julius Domba | Africa is largely considered an evincible inferior continent by many; and poor. Most people appreciate the high levels of material poverty that strike the lives of the Africans unfavourably across the continent. …

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Museveni and balokole oldguard

  Why the President ill-advised intercourse with the kiwempe balokole old-guard portends an anticlimax COMMENT | MATSIKO GODWIN MUHWEZI | It is an open secret that the laws of Uganda and its attendant machinery and political machinations are designed to give incumbents a head-start in electioneering. Any politician trying to …

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No democracy without dissent

Arrest of Makerere University students protesting tuition increment makes a joke of our democracy COMMENT | MICHAEL ABONEKA | The right to dissent is by and large an extension of the freedom of conscience, expression, movement, religion, assembly and association enshrined under Article 29 of the Constitution of Uganda, 1995. …

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Tariffs and intra-Africa trade

  Significant reduction or elimination of tariffs would boost intra-Africa trade to more than 50% COMMENT | DAMALI SSALI | There are several factors that influence the value and volume of trade. However, tariffs on tradeable goods and services are one of the most significant. International trade grew dramatically in the …

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