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Engineering life presidency

How President Yoweri Museveni has twisted Uganda’s constitution with changes that could see him rule for life COMMENT | MOSES KHISA | For a period of time between 1986 and the early 2000s Uganda was considered to be a country committed to democratic reform. But in recent years the democratic …

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Africa’s gig opportunity

Why government policies should support and protect the growing number of freelance or gig workers  | Olga Morawczynski and David Porteous | The growth of digital platforms in Africa could offer new opportunities to bridge the current gap between often-insecure informal work and formal employment. Portable benefits, which move with …

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Reply to Mwenda on Uganda’s debt

To suggest printing money or ceding national assets to pay debt reflects utter economics myopia COMMENT | Mukwanason A. Hyuha | In The Independent (April 26-May 02, 2019 edition), Andrew Mwenda purported to respond to my Saturday Monitor (April 13, 2019) article on Uganda’s debt sustainability. I have also read …

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Looking back at 100

The conflicts of the Middle East, Asia’s emergence, and the demise of the world that we knew COMMENT | RICHARD N. HAASS | This is my 100th column for Project Syndicate. It comes nearly 20 years after my first. As is the case with most milestones, it offers a good …

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COMMENT: After neoliberalism

What is the most viable and vibrant alternative to an ideology that has failed to create growth?  | JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ |What kind of economic system is most conducive to human wellbeing? That question has come to define the current era, because, after 40 years of neoliberalism in the United …

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Technology and the accountant

The accountant of the future is neither a number cruncher nor one who can compute equations and apply standards | MARK OMONA | A couple of weeks ago, a guest at our offices asked an intriguing question; “You guys are promoting accountancy, but with the rapid advancements in technology, where …

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Indicting Uganda and the ICC

How the international court gamed Museveni into a deal of partial justice COMMENT | GAAKI KIGAMBO | Since its inception in 2002 to date, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has studiously defended itself against accusations it is an imperial project; especially in Africa, by pointing to the number of cases …

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