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COMMENT: How Mandela bent history

Before anything, he was a politician; skilled at building coalitions and charming political opponents | MARK SUZMAN | Twenty-five years ago, South Africa held its first free elections after the end of apartheid. The African National Congress won overwhelmingly, and its leader, Nelson Mandela, began to knit the country back …

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The case for a global constitution

Given the extent of globalisation’s progress we cannot simply stay in our lane and hope for the best. Project Syndicate | KAUSHIK BASU | In my book `The Republic of Beliefs: A New Approach to Law and Economics’, I was eager to demonstrate how the methods that have emerged from …

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Europe’s captured media

Independent media is fleeing attacks by government and involvement by large financial groups COMMENT | MARIUS DRAGOMIR | In its March 22 edition, the Slovenian weekly magazine Mladina featured on its cover a cartoon of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán performing a Nazi salute while being hugged by right-wing politicians of …

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Time to benefit from oil & gas is now

Investors will go through most of the over US$15 billion capital expenditure during this development stage | EMMA NAHAYO MUGIZI | At a recent meeting, Ernest Rubondo, the Executive Director of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU) described the progress of our organisation and the oil and gas sector in …

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Monetisation of garbage

The incentives that must be given to people to minimise the amount of garbage that reaches landfills Project Syndicate | STEPHEN NWALOZIRI | As a child growing up in Lagos, Nigeria, in the late 1990s, I remember women roaming through my community and chanting in Yoruba, “onigo de o! Anra …

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A century of international civil service

Why an idea conceptualised a 100 years ago at the League of Nations still matters to the aspirations today COMMENT | HENNING MELBER | This year marks a century since a formal international civil service was introduced into the world. The first time this particular breed of professionals came into existence …

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Genuine electoral reforms needed

The Supreme Court in 2016 noted the need for electoral reforms and made a number of recommendations COMMENT | MICHAEL ABONEKA | Uganda will go to polls again in 2021 which is barely two years from now. The electioneering year will start next year (2020) as the Electoral Commission and some …

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