Saturday , September 28 2024
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A new shape for the mortgage industry

  Ensuring affordable housing for citizens requires a radical overhaul involving mortgage refinancing COMMENT | JOHNSTONE OLTETIA | There are two essential parts to achieving affordable housing: building decent, low-cost homes, and developing housing finance market that enables low-income earners to buy those homes. For, without finance, almost no home …

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Buganda and EAC political federation

Katikkiro Mayiga should summon the Lukiiko come out with a clear Buganda position Kampala, Uganda | KAVUMA KAGGWA | President Yoweri Museveni has been selected to oversee and provide political guidance to the legal experts tasked with the drafting of the East African Community (EAC) constitution on political confederation. The …

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Which way, Uganda Tourism Board?

COMMENT | By Amos Wekesa | Yesterday evening at Sheraton Hotel, Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) old guards officially handed over power to the new guards…… While sitting at the back with fellow tour operators ,I listened to different speeches. Some speeches were good, others just okay but looks like no one wanted …

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COMMENT: A case for a bold economics

  Will economists prove more helpful today, when the challenges are as pressing as the Great Depression? COMMENT | DANI RODRIK | At the end of 1933, John Maynard Keynes sent a remarkable public letter to U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR had taken office earlier that year, in the midst …

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COMMENT: Closing Africa’s energy gap

Developing economies across Africa are in a unique position to invest in cleaner sources of power at a lower cost COMMENT | BHAVTIK VALLABHJEE | Africa is a continent blessed with an abundance of natural resources – water, wind, thermal coal, natural gas, and of course plenty of sunshine – …

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Modern monetary realism

MMT is essentially a description of how money is created and destroyed by governments and by banks Project Syndicate, 2019 | JAMES K. GALBRAITH | Is Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) a potential boon to economic policymakers, or, as Harvard’s Kenneth Rogoff recently argued, a threat to “the entire global financial system” …

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Banking on Refugees

Contrary to popular belief, refugees are on par with non-refugees when it comes to loan repayment Project Syndicate, 2019 | JACQUELINE MUSIITWA | Every minute, on average, 31 people are displaced around the world – forced to leave their jobs, homes, and even their families. These refugees often arrive, after …

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African continental integration is long overdue  

COMMENT | Besi Ndereya | The 1960’s press clippings and portraits of African leaders still linger in the thoughts of many. Here was a generation of men standing at the precipice of an African renaissance. More often, each had courageously fought off the yoke of colonialism; liberating his people in the …

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Fighting human trafficking

  Empower and train survivors cooperate with law enforcement to help dismantle trafficking networks Project Syndicate, 2019 | AGNES IGOYE | Human trafficking is on the rise, and a new report from the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime reveals that perpetrators face “hardly any risk” of punishment. As …

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