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COMMENT: Unlocking public wealth

With professional, politically independent management, a country could earn from its commercial assets COMMENT | DAG DETTER | After World War I ended, Havana emerged as one of the world’s most vibrant cities. During the first half of 1920, rising sugar prices and a favourable global environment meant that credit and …

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COMMENT: Building Africa’s scientific talent

Discovering them means rethinking the entire education system in Africa around three priorities COMMENT | DANIEL MUNDEVA | Ten years ago, South African physicist Neil Turok made a bold prediction: the world’s next Einstein will be from Africa. A decade later, it is worth considering whether the continent is any closer …

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COMMENT: The G20’s Africa problem

Rather than include Africa in discussions about trade, the G20 addresses narrower development issue COMMENT | COBUS VAN STADEN | This has not been an easy year for the G20. The 2018 summit of the leaders of the world’s largest economies was held in Buenos Aires, a city still reeling from …

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COMMENT: Assault on news media

These five mundane dangers confronting the profession could be more dangerous than the physical attacks COMMENT | ALEXANDRA BORCHARDT | The brutal torture and murder of the US-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has focused attention on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is widely believed to have ordered the killing. …

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COMMENT: The feminization of African politics

Evidence shows that women’s political leadership strengthens governance capacity and cooperation with allies COMMENT | FATIMA AL ANSAR & SHONA BEZANSON | Last month, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appointed a new cabinet; ten of the 20 positions went to women. One week later, the country’s parliament unanimously elected Sahle-Work Zewde …

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COMMENT: Behind National Dialogue

Is it a Piriton pain killer pill by President Museveni to drug Ugandans into slumber? COMMENT | MORRISON RWAKAKAMBA | Since talk and preparations for the national dialogue were put in motion over a year ago by a host of shepherds led by Inter-Religious Council of Uganda, The Elders Forum and …

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COMMENT: European Union and Human Rights in Uganda

70 years after the Universal Declaration, the European Union has chosen seven priority areas to support COMMENT | ATTILIO PACIFICI | Seventy years ago, when global leaders came together to agree on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the world was just beginning its slow and painful recovery from a devastating …

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COMMENT: The world George H.W. Bush made

His administration’s foreign policy record compares favourably with that of any other modern U.S. president COMMENT | RICHARD N. HAAS | I have worked for four U.S. presidents, Democrats and Republicans alike, and perhaps the most important thing I have learned along the way is that little of what we call …

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GLOBAL COMMENT: Uniting Africa for power

Integration is essential to scale and connect markets where lack of electricity is holding back progress GLOBAL COMMENT | Tony Blair | African countries are increasingly coming together. A landmark free-trade agreement was concluded earlier this year. East Africa has made great progress on free movement of people. And a commitment to …

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