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Home / ARTICLES 2008-2015 / DP wants First lady convicted

DP wants First lady convicted

By Aloysious Kasoma

Opposition Democratic Party wants the First Lady and minister for Karamoja Janet Museveni to be convicted and sentenced the same way they did with Mike Mukula.

The Soroti Municipality MP and former Minister of State of Health in Charge of General Duties was charged and sentenced to Luzira Prison for 4 years for theft of Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) Funds.

DP’s Public Relations Officer Jude Mbabali said that they expected the magistrate to summon the First Lady and all the ministers involved.

“She is not immune to the law, we call upon the Inspector General of Government to constitute corrupt charges, we consider this as selective prosecution” he said during their weekly press conference in Kampala.

DP also wants Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, Jim Muhwezi, Alex Kamugisha and Pius Bigirimana and other senior governmental officials named in corruption scandals to face prosecution.

Mbabali recommended that whenever a government official is convicted of an offence in relation to corruption, an order by the convicting court must be made against the convicted to make the good loss occasioned to the government under article 164 (2) of the constitution and section 13(3) and 15(7) of the leadership code.

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