Sunday , February 9 2025

‘Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam will boost intra-regional energy trade’

Any benefit from the environmental perspective?

Yes. The dam benefits downstream countries by regulating the water flow, which will improve the water management for irrigation. It will also allow enhanced sediment management thereby reducing high cost of dredging irrigation canals and increase the life (span) of downstream dams.

Is Ethiopia contended with the AU’s speed in resolving tensions between the three countries over the use of R. Nile water?

Ethiopia appreciates the AU-led process of negotiation. However, I reiterate that the three parties (Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt) must play a key role in reaching an agreement and AU’s involvement in the negotiation is to speed up the process by helping out the countries to sort out the sticking points. At this time the AU, led by South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa, and Chairman of AU is providing all the necessary supports for a successful deal under the notion of ‘African solutions for African Problems’. If there are any delays on these AU-led negotiations, it could probably be due to the irregularities of the commitments of the parties.

How can this be improved?

The reason for the slow pace of negotiations is that Egypt does not want to abandon the previous colonial treaty over on the Nile water distribution. To speed up the negotiation process commitment shall come from Egypt. If parties can see the bigger pictures, GERD should not be the cause for “tensions.”

Egypt has argued that Ethiopia’s move to fill the dam at once could negatively impact water supplies in the North African state and thus affect people’s livelihoods. Why has Ethiopia maintained this stand?

We all need to agree that the Nile River is important, in terms of people’s livelihoods not only for Egypt but also for all of the riparian countries including Ethiopia. It is well known that there is a scientific model for filling the dam. In this regard, Ethiopia does not have other procedure for the filling of the dam than the scientific once. Moreover, there is understanding at the technical level regarding the filling schedule among the three countries. Although filling the Dam could be achieved within two to three years; considering the concern of the downstream countries, Ethiopia agreed to fill the reservoir of GERD in stages that could take 4-7 years based on the hydrology of the basin. Moreover, from Ethiopian side unreasonably delaying the Dam will bring large economic and social costs.

How is the Ethiopian government planning to fill the dam without reducing the water levels that flows to Egypt for farming, commercial and household use?

The important question is whether it will cause significant harm or not. Or are we talking about the 1959 Egyptian and Sudanese agreement that allotted the entire flow of the Nile water for themselves, leaving null to the upper riparian countries?  GERD is a hydropower project that does not stop water flow and does not cause any significant harm to downstream countries.


It is good to note that Ethiopia achieved the initial stage filling last July without any impact on the downstream countries. The next stages of the filling will not be different. In my opinion, here the problem is that Egypt wants to maintain the so-called historical rights and veto power over Nile water, which is not acceptable at all.

How do you assess the performance of Uganda in the implementation of Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) as well as resolving tensions between Ethiopia and Egypt?

Uganda has played very important role in initiating and enhancing the cooperation among the riparian countries. This has been reflected in various ways. Uganda is the only country in the Nile Basin that has called for a summit of head of States. Uganda’s CFA ratification is a major step forward for other non-ratified countries follow its footsteps. In addition, Uganda’s position has been clear about the need for cooperation and peaceful settlement of disputes among riparian countries. As a pan-African nation, the country supports and insists the three parties to solve their problem in good faith. By the way, I’m glad you asked me this question. This is because the CFA has paid little attention despite efforts made, there has never been a governing agreement over this river to all of the riparian countries so far. In that context, I would say attention should be given to establishing the Nile Basin River Commission (NBRC) by the Nile riparian countries to meaningfully contribute to the efforts of establishing a permanent institution.

What do you make of US’ decision to withhold $264 million in security and development assistance to Ethiopia and view that Egypt might ‘blow up’ the dam project?

Ethiopia is a peaceful country that does not want to hurt its brothers and sisters in Egypt and Sudan; the three countries have had longstanding relations and have the capacity to resolve their differences peacefully than choosing the wrong ways of resolving differences.  Ethiopia has been mindful of its obligation guided by the principle not to cause significant harm. The filling of the GERD is within the bounds of the rights of Ethiopia and in line with DOP.

Your last word?

We highly value and respect the solidarity we have received from Uganda. Ethiopia gives prime focus to its neighboring countries and wants to prosper together.  Thus, we are working to broaden Ethio-Uganda multi-areas of cooperation such as in peace and security, trade, people-to-people relations and other bilateral issues.

The GERD project is a long-awaited aspiration of the people to get out of darkness and to fight abject poverty; that is why all Ethiopians and Ethiopian origins from all occupations are solely financing the Dam and leaving their own mark in the fight against poverty. GERD has pioneered on innovative self-financing mechanism of large-scale ambitious project against all odds, this shall be taken as a lesson by our African’s brothers and sisters facing comparable challenges.


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