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Home / In The Magazine / EU weighs in on Museveni, Besigye talks

EU weighs in on Museveni, Besigye talks

The much speculated about talks between longtime political adversaries, President Museveni and Opposition leader, Kizza Besigye got more currency when the European Union (EU), a key development partner of Uganda said the two leaders should have dialogue now so as to avert a situation when matters have spiralled out of control.

EU Head of Delegation Kristian Schmidt said Uganda should hold the talks now rather when the country is in stability before it is too late. He said Uganda should avoid taking the route of South Sudan which has been ravaged by a bloody civil war fuelled by ethnic tension.

Schmidt made the remarks at his residence while marking 60 years of the EU. He however clarified that Sweden, which media reports said was mediating, is not doing it on behalf of the EU.



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