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Home / WORLD / EXPERTS: US should abandon Cold War mindset, cooperate with China

EXPERTS: US should abandon Cold War mindset, cooperate with China

War ships in the South China sea

New York, US | Xinhua |  The old Cold War is the wrong way to frame what is happening now between China and the United States, and both sides should cooperate on climate and other issues, said an article published on The New York Times.

“Governments that plunge into a Cold War mind-set can exaggerate every conflict,” said David E. Sanger, White House and national security correspondent, in the article earlier this week. “They can miss opportunities for cooperation.”

There are deep links between the two economies, Sanger said. For example, even through the pandemic and threats of “decoupling,” China is the largest supplier of goods to the United States, he noted.

“It is mistaken to think we can decouple our economy completely from China without enormous economic costs,” the writer quoted Joseph S. Nye, an American political scientist, as saying.

Also today, a Chinese spokesperson urged the United States to strictly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. joint communiques and honor the commitment it has made to China on the Taiwan question.

Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, made the statement when asked to comment on the latest U.S. remarks relevant to the Taiwan question.

The spokesperson urged Washington to handle Taiwan-related issues properly, refrain from sending any wrong signals to separatist forces seeking “Taiwan independence,” and avoid causing further damage to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

The Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair and brooks no interference from external forces, Ma said.

Vowing that China’s full reunification will surely come to fruition, Ma said Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party authority’s attempt to seek “Taiwan independence” by colluding with external forces is bound to fail.

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