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The decisive mind

You make decisions quicker and based on less information than you think Kampala, Uganda | NADAV KLEIN | We live in an age of information. In theory, we can learn everything about anyone or anything at the touch of a button. All this information should allow us to make super-informed, …

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World Bank Year in Review: 2018 in 14 Charts

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | As 2018 comes to an end, extreme poverty is at the lowest level in recorded history but is expected to become increasingly concentrated in one region. A record number of people have been forcibly displaced from their homes, and an influential new report confirms we’re …

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In Ethiopia, as a capital rises, history rots

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | AFP | From its hillside overlooking the Ethiopian capital, Berhanu Mengistu’s century-old, gabled family home has seen emperors and governments rise and fall. It has withstood economic stagnation and the rapid population growth that replaced its once-patrician neighbours with a rabble of shacks. But it now …

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ARTS: Top five artists review 2018

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The year 2018 has undoubtedly been very active and exciting. The Kampala Contemporary Art scene has witnessed two important festivals happening this year: Kampala Art Biennale 2018 (KAB18) and Kampala Contemporary Art festival (KLA ART 018). These two art events have contributed another character to …

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I’m because I’m from here

How where you’re born influences the person you become Kampala, Uganda | SAMUEL PUTNAM & MASHA A. GARTEIN | As early as the fifth century, the Greek historian Thucydides contrasted the self-control and stoicism of Spartans with the more indulgent and free-thinking citizens of Athens. Today, unique behaviors and characteristics seem …

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