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To eat or not eat breakfast

Is it really the most important meal of the day? HEALTH | AGENCIES | Breakfast is often described as the most important meal of the day, but is skipping this morning meal really detrimental to health? Breakfast literally means “to break the fast.” It is the first meal of the …

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Painkillers for older adults

  How to choose the safest over-the-counter drugs By Leslie Kernisan Q: My 88-year old mother often complains of various aches and pains. What is the safest over-the-counter painkiller for her to take? Aren’t some of them bad for your liver and kidneys? A: Frequent aches and pains are a …

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Prof. Rachel Musoke dies at 78

OBITUARY | RONALD MUSOKE | Prof. Rachel Nandawula Musoke, 78, passed away on May 30 after distinguishing herself in a 40-year medical career at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, where she is more known and celebrated than in her native Uganda. She began working as a neonatologist at Kenyatta …

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