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Features catergory

feature news

More people getting depression

By Flavia Nassaka Can new blood-test detection improve treatment outcomes? Dr Harriet Birabwa, a Butabika based psychiatrist says that 20% of all patients that report to the hospital have had an episode of depression and of 100 aging people, 80 are depressed. Also, the World Health Organisation estimates show the …

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A meeting of minds on HIV/AIDS

By Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Margie McGlynn Researchers are learning a great deal from the responses of three groups of patients An ounce of prevention, Benjamin Franklin famously said, is worth a pound of cure. But that is not always true when it comes to research into infectious diseases. Though scientists …

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Junk food? No thanks

By Flavia Nassaka US research shows brain can be trained to crave for healthy foods instead of dangerous junk foodstuffs Barbecue or mchomo, chips and chicken are some of the junk foods craved by many people from all walks of life ranging from the corporate high end class to the …

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Allergies on the rise

By Flavia Nassaka Over-use of antibiotics cited as one of the major causes of allergic conditions At Mwanamugimu Nutrition Unit at Mulago Hospital in Kampala, 70% of all cases that are registered daily are to do food allergies, according to Dr. Samson Muddu, a nutritionist at the facility. He says …

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