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Home / NEWS / First Ugandan IGP’s family donates land for a police post in Nwoya

First Ugandan IGP’s family donates land for a police post in Nwoya

The grandduaghter of Wilson Erinayo Oryema Nancy Oryema Speaking to URN in an interview . PHOTO JESSE JOHNSON JAMES

Nyowa, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The family of the late Inspector General of Police Wilson Erinayo Oryema has donated land to Uganda Police to help them establish a Police Post for the improvement of security in a large expanse of land that is prone to crime in Nwoya.

The one–acre piece of land located at Tangi Village, Pabit Parish, Purongo Sub –County in Nwoya District is part of the family’s 6,000 acres bordering Murchison Falls Game Park.

Nancy Oryema, granddaughter of the deceased, told URN in an interview that the process for the donation of the land started way back in September 2014 during the reburial of the late Oryema and that final agreement was reached in March this year.

According to Oryema, the establishment of the Police Post is to help curb the rampant poaching and crimes in the area.

Ben Okot, the Purongo Sub –County Chairman also agreed that the establishment of a Police post will greatly help fight crimes and poaching that are so rampant in the area and that the distance from Purongo Police Post to Tangi Village is over 10 Kilometers, something that makes it very hard in terms of police timely response in case they are alerted.

Jimmy Patrick Okema, the Aswa River Region Police Spokesperson reveals that the District Police Commander of Nwoya has been tasked to carry out an assessment on the land donated before the Commandant of Environmental Police could visit the land.

Okema also adds that the Nwoya District Engineer will go and grade the land this week to allow other processes for the establishment of the police post to kick off.

The late Wilson Erinayo Oryema was the first African and Ugandan Inspector General of Uganda Police who served from 1964 to 1971 before becoming Minister for Land, Mineral and Water Resources and then Land, Housing and Physical Planning between 1971 and 1977.

Oryema was killed in a reported extra-judicial execution in February 1977, by the military government of Idi Amin alongside Archbishop Janani Luwum and Interior Minister Charles Oboth Ofumbi. He was reburied in September 2014 at his ancestral home in Tangi Village, Nwoya district.




  1. Nancy Onek NOT Oryema is the daughter of the late Henry Onek, son to the former IGP. Nancy’s father along with some of mi mother’s siblings sold off the whole estate of mi grandfather! Nancy’s father mentioned it again and again till he passed on that he is amongst the guilty who sold off that land.

    Mi mother sacrificed by selling her own land to buy back the land which Nancy’s dad had sold off including his own father’s grave. What this woman is doing is 1. Using our grandfather’s name for her own gain 2. Claiming land that was already sold off by her father!

    A thief has 40 days and as the bible says, whatever was stolen fro the owner God will return to the owner. The Almighty is faithful to His saints.

    • Don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house.

      Ninomugiaha!!! the press has triggered your psychosis again!! Leave those drugs alone my dear.

      For the past 3 years, you’ve attacked me and my family, abused me online and tried to taint my name on several occasions. I’VE KEPT QUIET.

      In 2019, after an article was published by grapevine, during my appearance before the lands Commision of inquiry, where I reported Land grabbing matter of our late grandfather’s estate to Justice Catherine Bamugeirere’s, you went on a rampage in defence of your friends – the land grabbers and wrote all the rubbish in that funny head of yours. I kept quiet, and never responded to any of your posts. I decided to file police case against you instead, for defamation of character and cyber bullying.

      Upon your arrival to uganda, you came with the same attitude ready to fight, you started causing trouble at the hearing and you were arrested and taken into the station where a statement was extracted from you. You were later released on police bond, but your international passport was taken by the authorities, as they processed your file to be Sanctioned to court. It seems you’ve forgotten so soon.

      You badly want a reaction from me , so here it is.

      YESS I am a proud “ ACHOLI “ A daughter of my father, Late ENG. Henry Onek ORYEMA, the son of Late EW Oryema. My late Father Onek’s Last Name is ORYEMA, what about yours, Nyinomigisha??

      At least I’m not suspected to be AMIN’s daughter. I know where I come from. My mother had all of us with one man – MY LATE FATHER!!! She’s been with one man since she was 18. She doesn’t change men like clothes and she didn’t have 8 children with 6 different men. Unlike some, I’m not carrying another man’s name who isn’t even my real father, nor have I lived with a step father like husband and wife or even shared a boyfriend with my own mother like you have – WEIRED PEOPLE SHOULD KEEP QUIET!!!!!

      Since we are on this topic, who exactly is your father? Where is his home? Shouldn’t you be busy using this same energy to find out who your real father is and know whether you are a Langi or Kawa? I think it’s important to know your real lineage madam – Go and find your real father , I know mine and I’m busy trying to build our home, especially after all the mess your mother left behind.

      When we choose to keep quiet, it doesn’t mean we are blind or stupid. If indeed your mother had any claims over the estate of a deceased, as she claims, then the legal and rightful way to go about it was through the same courts of law that granted her letters of administration to mange the same estate, she would have presented her claims and let the courts decide.

      Next time you try to come for me, back up your nonsense claims with some legal documents, if you don’t have any then SHUT UP!! We are all tired of your same old BS & senseless attacks. YOU CAN NOT STEAL FROM THE DEAD! We are only caretakers of what was acquired Legally and left for ALL of us to continue but there must be accountability, if not there are consequences. That’s why your mother has recently developed schizophrenia. Your late grandparents are in her house quarrelling with her all day long….. and the snakes!! were you successful in the fumigation? You see my dear, how we live life and treat others, has a way of coming back to haunt or bless us, our children and children’s children. Karma knows no address and the DEVIL doesn’t give anything for free, when you sell your soul to the devil, to get fake powers and hold on to fake wealth as you step on your own siblings, it comes back full circle.

      NB: I know my rights. I’am a full beneficiary with full right to take any action necessary to protect and preserve the Estate. NOTE: EW had 11 children NOT 1 daughter.

    • Never throw stones if you live in a glass house

      Ninomugiaha!!! the press has triggered your psychosis again!! Leave those drugs alone my dear.

      For the past 3 years, you’ve attacked me and my family, abused me online and tried to taint my name. I’ve kept quiet.

      In 2019, after an article was published by grapevine, during my appearance before the lands Commision of inquiry, where I reported Land grabbing matter of our late grandfather’s estate to Justice Catherine Bamugeirere’s, you went on a rampage in defence of your friends – the land grabbers and wrote all the rubbish in your head. I kept quiet, and never responded to any of your posts but I decided to file police case against you instead, for defamation of character and cyber bully.

      Upon your arrival, you came with and an attitude – to fight, you started causing trouble at the hearing. You were arrested and taken to the station where a statement was extracted from you. You were later released on bond, but your international passport was taken by the authorities, as we waited for your file to be Sanctioned to court. It seems you’ve forgotten so soon.

      YESS I am a proud “ACHOLI “ daughter of my father, Late ENG. Henry Onek ORYEMA, the son of Late EW Oryema. My late Father Onek’s Last Name is ORYEMA, what about yours, Nyinomigisha??

      At least I’m not suspected to be AMIN’s daughter. I know where I come from. My mother had all of us with one man – MY LATE FATHER!! ! She didn’t have 8 children with 6 different men + I’m not carrying another man’s name who isn’t even my real father, nor have I lived with a step father like husband and wife or even shared a boyfriend with my own mother – WEIRED PEOPLE SHOULD KEEP QUIET!!!!!

      Since we are on this topic, who exactly is your father? Where is his home? Shouldn’t you be using this same energy to find out who your father is and whether you are a Langi or Kawa? I think it’s important – Go and find your real father , I know mine and I’m busy trying to build our home especially after all the mess your mother left behind.

      We are not blind, nor are we stupid, when we choose to keep quiet it doesn’t mean that we are sacred or intimidated by you. If indeed your mother had any claims over the estate of a deceased, of which courts granted her letters of administrator at some point, then the legal and rightful way to go about it was through the same courts of law, she would have presented her claims and let the courts decide.

      Next time you try to come for me or my family, back it up with some facts & proof of legal documents to show how, where and when my father sold anything. My father is dead now, let him rest. You know nothing except for the lies and witchcraft you grew up with that’s how your were initiated into that dark world at age 14. We are all tired of the same old BS & senseless attacks. YOU CAN NOT STEAL FROM THE DEAD! We are only caretakers of what was acquired Legally by our grandfathers and left for ALL of us to continue & there must be accountability, if not then there are consequences. That’s why your mother has recently developed schizophrenia. Your late grandparents are in her house quarrelling with her all day long….. and the snakes!! were you successful in the fumigation? You see my dear, how we live life and treat others, has a way of coming back to haunt or bless us, our children and children’s children. Karma knows no address and the DEVIL doesn’t give anything for free, when you sell your soul to the devil, to get fake powers and hold on to fake wealth as you step on your own siblings, it comes back full circle.

      NB. I know my full rights. By the laws of the republic of Uganda, I am a full beneficiary with full rights to protect and preserve the Estate of my late grandfather.

      “MACH PE NYALU BURU” our grandfather has 11 children, not one selfish irresponsible daughter.

  2. I do remember a young lady breastfeeding a little baby girl, waiting on a ticket after her passport was fixed by the one being called selfish who paved the way for those that migrated to the UK.The journey for green pastures sure helped right?

    Akwanyo kit pa baba me mwolo ki ada! Aranyi ki kifuba onongo peke i remo pa Baba and I will continue to speak truth for the world to know he never had a hand in fighting for what wasn’t his. Ludito gang wa weng ngweyo, ento lworo obwoyo dano oweko piny oling.This world may seem as though the darkness will forever overshadow the lamp of the saints, but the return of the Messiah is sealed and the time will come for the Almighty to sit everyone down.The truth will never be hidden and as long as the sun, moon, stars and rainbow still remain in the sky, ABBA FATHER still continues to sit on the THRONE. We believers give thanks and praise to the Living God, for if we never experienced evil in this world, we’d never know what it means to serve the ONE who’s love, peace and humility surpasses all understanding. All GLORY and HONOUR to YAHWEH

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