Friday , March 14 2025

Four people die from expired ARV’s

By Sarah Namulondo

Four HIV/AIDS patients have died in Amuru district after taking expired ARV’s for eight months.

The drugs which were clarified as expired by medical doctors were Nevarapine, Devodine and Namovadine tablets.

The relatives of the deceased said that over the period of eight months the deceased started getting weaker.

Gilbert Oulanya the Kilak County MP told police in the district to investigate the circumstances of previously reported deaths of HIV/AIDS victims in the county.

He called for the investigation during the world aids day in Amuru District on Dec 1.


But while the police was still investigating the cause of death of the previous patients, the four who were under going treatment also died.

The health centre IIIi were the four patients died is in Pabbo village Amuru district.

Oulanya blamed the anomaly at Pabbo health centre where the patients are said to have received the expired drugs on the facility’s administration whom he said were carelessness with the lives of the vulnerable people.

The deceased have been identified as Alex Pido, Dorcus Akwero, Joska Amono and Christine Lamunu, all of Pabbo Sub-county.They were all members of Persons Living with HIV Association in the area.

Pabbo sub County has over 200 people living with HIV/AIDS some of whom walk over 80 miles to access ARV’s. The district also lacks enough health centres especially those in Lakang and Apaar villages.

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