Sunday , February 9 2025

Frankly speaking with Livingstone Sewanyana.

By Joan Akello

A renowned human rights defender is the Executive Director of Foundation for Human Rights Initiative.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Perfect happiness is a state of individual wellbeing where one feels satisfied with his or her achievements. That person lives in an environment that appreciates him or her and accords him opportunities to realise his potential.

What is your greatest fear?

Where people do not appreciate what others do and instead undermine, talk ill, or discredit them. One’s success is every one’s success.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

I do not like that I am very truthful.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Working so hard; you risk your health, your family by not giving yourself enough rest. That is not good.

What is it that you most dislike?

I hate lies.

On what occasion do you lie?

I could when I want to get someone out of danger.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Dressing smart in suits.

What is your current state of mind?

It is one of an achiever. I have eight awards to myself.

What do you consider over rated in society?

People exalt wealth as the utmost key to happiness. I think wealth sometimes can lead to unhappiness as you struggle to preserve it.

What do you least like about your appearance?

I am short. I would have preferred to be tall.

Which person you most despise?

As a human rights defender who believes in dignity, I love human nature.

What quality do you most like in a man?

A man should be authoritative.

What quality do you most like in a woman?

A woman must be impressive.

Which words or phrases do you most over use?

To assure you, I firmly believe, I’m convinced, and on this occasion.

When and where were you happiest?

My wedding day on 3 August, 1991 and when I was 13 years old in the seminary.

Which talent would you most like to have?

Singing. I wish I could sing. I’m so bad.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Stop working too hard so I can take leisure trip to the Bahamas.

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what would it be?


I would prefer to come back as the Pope.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Conscientising Ugandans about their rights. Rights have become a household item.

What rights are you promoting today?

Open contracting because it reduces corruption and externalities. Externalities are benefits that accrue to people that are corrupt such as commissions that they take, providing cheaper instead of quality services.

What is your greatest regret?

That I did not go into the diplomatic circles.

Where would you like to live?

It is Ibis Island in Spain for leisure.

What is your most treasured possession?

My children.

What is your favorite occupation?


What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

When you lose some one.

What is your most marked characteristic?

Confidence.   I speak with confidence. I am an advocate.

What do you most value in your friends?

Collective vision, ability to achieve.

Which books do you read?

Novels and medical journals.

Who are your favourite writers?

Wole (Akinwande Oluwole) Soyinka, works of Robert Kiyosaki especially Rich Dad Poor Dad

Who is your hero of fiction?

Jackie Collins, a writer of romantic novels.

Who are your heroes in real life?

My mother and my wife.  At the national level, I admire leaders who have transformed countries like Nelson Mandela, Tom Mboya (Thomas Joseph Odhiambo) and Martin Luther King Jnr.

Which living person do you admire?

Cardinal Emmauel Wamala he is humble and holy.

Which historical figure do you most identify with?

I Love Barack Obama.

How would you like to die?

Die peacefully in bed.

What is your motto?

Together we can make a difference.

What is your philosophy about life?

Life is to serve human kind and love God

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