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FULL TEXT: Museveni address on COVID-19

President Museveni shares a light moment as he explained new SOPS. PHOTO PPU


✳ Schools, higher institutions of learning closed for 42 days
✳ All teachers must get vaccinated
✳ Religious gatherings suspended
✳ Conferences suspended
✳ Marriage ceremonies, burials, parties maximum 20 people

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has closed all schools for 42 days, ordered all teachers vaccinated before re-opening and suspended worship in Churches and Mosques for the same period. Travel from one district to another will also be prohibited this week.

He made the announcements Sunday night following the rise in COVID-19 cases in the past month. (CLIK TO READ >>>SPEECH ON RESURGENCY OF COVID 19)



1. All schools and institutions of higher learning to close for 42 days effective 8 am, 7th June 2021.


2. All teachers to fully get vaccinated before they are accepted in schools.


3. Communal       prayers    in      Mosques, Churches or in Stadia and other open-air, venues are suspended   for 42 days.


4. Online prayers are encouraged.
5. Public and Cultural gatherings or Conferences, EXCEPT for the sitting of the Cabinet, Legislature and Judiciary, are hereby suspended for 42 days.
6. Travel from Category 1 countries, as defined by the Ministry of Health, remain suspended except returning Ugandans. At the moment, only India is listed as category A.
7. Agricultural activities which are: cultivating or ploughing gardens, herding livestock ( whether free-range or zero grazing) and fishing for fish-farming to continue because, fortunately, most of them do not encourage crowding.
8. The non-agricultural activities that will be allowed to continue are: factory activities, construction activities, shopping malls, super-markets to continue while observing SOPs issued by the Ministry of Health.

These gathering points such as factories hotels, large plantations, markets, taxi-parks, etc., should be allowed to operate under   strict   observance   of SOPS.

These must observe strict SoPs, failure to comply within a week will lead to complete closure.
9. Marriage ceremonies, parties, and all other social gatherings are only allowed with a maximum of 20 people under strict observance of SOPs.

House parties are strictly banned and this must be enforced without fail.

All guests should wear masks and keep physical distance.

10. Number of persons at burials, vigils and funerals should NOT exceed 20 people.

All    should wear     masks and socials distance.

11. Weekly non-food markets (Mibuulo Markets) are suspended for 42 days throughout the country.
12. Also suspended for 42 days are the monthly cattle auction Markets ebikomera.
13. All public transport (Buses, Taxis, Boda Bodas) between and across districts are suspended for 42 days effective 10th June 2021. This is to allow our children to go home.
14. All inter district travel banned except travel within Kampala Metropolitan ( Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono).
15. Exemption       for    Inter district     travel        and movement of vehicles are:

o      Cargo trucks

o      Registered tourist vehicles

o      Essential       and  Emergency       Services vehicles

16. Public transport within the same district is allowed with strict observance of SOPs as previously described.


Failure to strictly observe the SOPs in public transport sector will lead to total suspension of public transport.

17. Cargo tucks are allowed only 2 people.
18. Tourist vehicles must observe the SOPs as spelt out.
19. Bars, discos, music shows, cinemas and concerts remain closed.
20. Sports events will operate under strict observance of SOPs with no spectators, ALL players must have    a negative   PCR test.
21. All public places (markets, Offices, shopping malls) are directed to maintain strict hygiene, ensure people coming in are sanitized before entry, physical distancing and appropriate use   of face masks at all times.
22. Encourage people to work from home whenever possible and revert to 30% physical presence   at workplace for 42 days.
23. Institutions, Organizations and workplaces to have person/s dedicated to compliance.
24. Private vehicles should be restricted to not more than 3 people including the driver.
25. Ambulances, security vehicles and garbage collection vehicles are allowed to operate normally.
26. Shopping arcades, hardware shops and any other commercial entity to operate under
strict observance of SoPs and must close at 7pm countrywide. Failure to comply will lead to total closure.

Owners and managers will be held liable for breach of SoPs.

27. Exception be given to Pharmacies to operate beyond 7 pm.
28. Supermarkets will remain open and operate with strict observance of SoPs and close at 7 pm.

Owners must enforce the use of masks and sanitizers in the workplace at all times.

29. The food markets should continue operating   but   enforce SoPs.

The market leaders will be held liable for non-compliance to SoPs.

30. Salons, lodges and garages are allowed to operate up to 7 pm with strict SoPs.
31. Lodges should be allowed to operate but the bars in these places should not be operational.
32. Factories are allowed to continue operating under strict observance of SoPs and where need arises work in shifts.
33. Construction sites are allowed to continue under strict observance of SoPs.
34. Lorries should not have more than two persons.
35. We shall continue to work with the EAC member states to strengthen cross-border surveillance.
36. Private cars are allowed to cross the border provided they observe SoPs and occupants have a negative PCR test result.
37. Curfew shall remain at 21:00 HRS to 05:30 HRS and vigorously enforced except for cargo trucks, lorries, pick-ups, trains and aircrafts.
38. For health emergencies during curfew, this will be dealt with by security on case by case basis.
39. Boda-Bodas are allowed to transport goods and/or one passenger up to 6 pm for the next

42  days.

Failure to comply within one week will lead to complete closure.


40.   Enforce directive and the responsibility should lie with owners

Violation of these measures will lead to fines that will be given out soon in a Statutory Instrument signed by the Permanent Secretary (PS) Treasury.

Those who do not care about the health of Ugandans will pay financially.

All the above directives, except where explicitly stated, take IMMEDIATE EFFECT.
Government will continuously observe the compliance and make necessary adjustments accordingly.

The enforcement of the above directives does not only lie with the law enforcers but also the owners of public transport organizations, owners of premises and individuals. If you fail to comply within one week, I will enforce total lockdown.

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