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Home / NEWS / Gliding rocks kill six year old, injure 3 others in Mbale

Gliding rocks kill six year old, injure 3 others in Mbale

Bubyangu residents standing by the stone that killed the six year old boy

Mbale, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Moving stones from Wanale hill in Mbale District have killed a six-year-old boy and left three other people injured.  The deceased identified as Husein Wolumu was hit by the stone while inside the house with other family members.

The injured who include the mother to the deceased and two of his siblings are currently hospitalized in a private clinic within Bubyangu trading centre. 

The gliding stones that were as a result of a mini landslide that hit the area, affected four villages of Bunalutere, Kikobero, Wambewo trading centre and Bubyengu upper in Bubyangu parish in Mbale affecting more than 700 People. According to residents, the rocks started sliding off shortly after the heavy downpour that hit the area for more than 4 hours on Monday afternoon. 

Suliman Wolumu, the LCI chairperson of Bunalutere village says over 31 houses were destroyed by the rocks living the owners homeless. He said the rocks also destroyed crops like maize, beans, coffee, bananas, and avocado, among others. He appealed to the government to evacuate people from the danger zones since rains are continuing to hit the area.     

Ahamada Gizaza, the father to the deceased says that the area says that residents are living in fear because the hills still show signs of breaking. He said that they wish to leave the area if they are given safer areas to relocate to.

Aliyu Masaba, a resident of Bubyangu village says that the whole parish has developed a long crack which ge described as a time bomb.

Hasifa Nambozo, a resident of the same area says that they are scared that the rocks may slide again because of the heavy rains that are still pounding the area. She says that some of the people have already relocated from the area to the nearby villages.   

Mudathiru Nanyili, the LCII Chairperson of Bubyangu Parish faulted the leadership of Wanale Sub County who he accused of creating drainages on top of the hill directing them towards Bubyangu sub-county which he said has caused the problem.   

Nanyili said that these drainages hold a lot of water which moves the stones downwards. He now wants the government to come up with possible ways of helping the people who are living in danger within the sub-county.   

Emma Gidudu, the acting sub-county chief of Bubyangu has urged all residents in risk areas to vacate to safer places as they are compiling a report to CAO for district response. 

Twakha Ayune, the manager Mbale red cross said that they have sent a team on the ground to assess the situation before coming with support to the affected people.



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