Thursday , March 13 2025

Highest number of Ugandans test COVID-19 positive


FILE PHOTO: Health minister Aceng checking the screening instruments at Entebbe airport. Highest number of Ugandans tested positive today.

🔺 May 26th – new COVID-19 cases 31
🔺 Total confirmed cases 253.
🔺 23 new cases are from the Points of Entry
🔺 8 new cases are contacts to previously confirmed truck drivers.

🔹20 positive foreign truck drivers (16 Tanzanians and 4 Kenyans) sent back
🔸Total COVID-19 Recoveries: 69
🔹Samples from Points of Entry tested today: 896
🔸Samples from community and contacts: 220
🔹Total samples tested today: 1,116

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Ministry of Health has today confirmed the highest number of positive COVID-19 Ugandans in a single day.

Uganda’s revised total confirmed cases rose to 253, after 31 new cases were announced Tuesday night. The single daily previous highest was 43 on May 15th, but only 17 of those were Ugandans.


Of the thirty one new cases announced today, 23 new cases are from the border points of entry while eight new cases are contacts to previously confirmed truck drivers. The contacts were under quarantine at the time of test.

Uganda last week revised its confirmed cases figures, cutting of hundreds of truck drivers from neigbouring countries.

Today, another 20 positive foreign truck drivers were turned back to their countries of origin (16 Tanzanians and 4 Kenyans).



  1. Not all that over whelming like in South Sudan but gov’t should look into what to do.

    • Rebecca Kazungu

      I think we can leg driving in that one truck gets the goods to the border and a Ugandan truck driver picks them from there.That means two trucks and two drivers without crossing borders.That way truck drivers will be kept in there respective countries

  2. E.A Governments should procure PPE for the track drivers and also have them get the same care as the heath workes at the front line.

  3. Government should wait to open schools.

  4. Now govt is still rushing to open schools think twice and don’t do mistakes you will regret

  5. Government should not rush to open schools because they will crush. Let’s be patience

  6. This is the opportune time to use the railway to solve our long distance hauling needs. Let’s worry about truck drivers employment later. It is easier to worry about the employment than to worry about disease.

    We have worried about employment all this time and slowly solved the problem without locking the economy but health

  7. Government should not hurry to open school and public transport otherwise we are finish.
    Education should be hold on while our students are keep safe.
    Is better we miss exam while we are healthy.

    • School can wait Mr president and health minister. The increasing number is scaring life first other activities can even continue when we r ready to stay with corona . government should rather train health workers specially to deal with corona as we prepare to accept it as part of the rest of disease on earth. Fur now we are yet not able to open public transport n schools even private mean alone z a risk.

  8. For sure Uganda is not safe Because if they refuse People to contact with Truck Drivers people don’t listen 👂 just pray 🙏 that the railway 🛤 program should start soon to stop our Drivers from Moving to sick countries and As for Public. Transport I support they should be Hold till when everything is okay as well as schools they should still remain closed

  9. I think all finalists are mature and understanding people so they should be left to go and compete their year,kz we do knw wen this z going to end.and secondly we haven’t received community cases so I think students should be left to complete, emphasis should be put on practicing healthy measures which have been put in place

  10. Let schools be last option because the future is with in generation

  11. It’s people who mind of money than their lives that are pressuring the Government to open the door other wise it’s too early for it to be opened… Let’s hand over to Almighty.

  12. The situation is continuing to be serious, fellow Ugandans and our leaders should strengthen the guidelines put in place as up to now there is no medicine for Corona. Schools should wait and public transport as many are going to move into communities. The issues about commercial and political corona should dealt with as this is the next planned among practioners.

  13. please let the schools remain closed at least upto the end of June and see how the situation will be.

  14. NSSF should think of people who are saving with them rather than first waiting for their customer to die of this covid and their money turn to nssf property.
    Do we really have gov’t who think of their people apart from their pocket and their stomach only? Why are we votting if our mps can not stand in for us?

  15. Caroline Soroti

    With due respect to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Uganda, I would first like to thank you for the love you have for Ugandans, thank you very much and may the good Lord the creator of the Universe reward you.

    My point of concern is why open schools when the number of positive cases is high rocketing? As an individual i propose the government declares this year a dead year for all education institutions to allow health sector to handle the situation without any interference as they monitor the progress. We might loose our dear children to this evil COVID-19 for no good reason.

    Thank you.

  16. I request the government not open schools yet.Its too early to do so since covid 19 cases keep increasing.How safe will our children be. PLIZ DONT.

  17. Let the government wait to open schools.How safe will our children be at school and yet the covid 19 cases keep increasing. I advise the decision makers to think twice. OTHERWISE?

  18. Truck drivers should be stopped. Life is better than anything.

  19. Schools should not open, let us first take keen watch on the COVID Progress. Its very difficult to maintain social distancing in classrooms en dormitories. Mr president let us not hury as if the world is ending soon.

  20. This is not alarming at all.
    The positive cases are still the ones government says it can’t do without and can’t lockdown. The contacts are those in contact with the truck drivers. Meaning government policy on truck drivers has failed.

    We will have to live with this thing now that government can’t stop it .

    Let them shut down truck drivers for 3 days and we see if we get another case.

    But who are we…just watchers

  21. Ronald Rutherford

    Gov’t shouldn’t reopen schools coz prevention z better than cure. When schools reopen, where do the parents will get fees en requirements from yet all business are locked en other source of home incomes. Please gov’t, be patience en wait 4 next year, thanks. Lets pray to ALMIGHTY GOD

  22. I am seeing that the curve may take a while rising,traditional measures of engaging the clan leaders should be strengthen to control our youth on addition to the WHO measures, Ugandans listen but sometime the situation may be too much. Other diseases like TB, HIV etc has over burden our country as well mothers are still dying, we need to look far beyond 2025.give the rich opportunities to share with the poor,our government is rich enough to do more than this.


    I think the government of Uganda can open schools only if they will be supplying foods to the schools n teachers who will be working during the lockdown much as ts very risky. I think these teachers to me should be given a medal of Honor because of accepting to work under this situation n leaving their families

  24. God says”if you render your heart, I will heal your land “Uganda is a God fearing country, let’s keep praying reluctantly

  25. Martinez ocigo

    Martinez ocigo katakwi, it is really not good to reopen schools when covid 19 cases are arising to 317, policy makers do consultative approach to rationally understand the situation at hand, I personally I can’t risk to take my 2 children to school at the moment.

  26. Why do our government say truck drivers from boarders having convid 19, can I know if those boader countries do not test those people before living ,to Uganda , whatever is done in darkness will be put in light one day ,for God and my country…

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