Saturday , March 15 2025

ICPAU releases December accountants’ exam results

CPA Constant Mayende, ICPAU President (L) releases the December 2021 results. On the right is CPA Geoffrey Byamugisha, Chairperson, Public Accountants Examinations Board.

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda has released the December 2021 examinations which were attempted by 4,162 candidates.

They were released on Jan.19 in Kampala by CPA Geoffrey Byamugisha, the chairperson of Public Accountants Examinations Board (PAEB) and other top officials.

The body was able to conduct three examinations diets, the third being held in December 2021. The other diets were held in March 2021 and October 2021.

There were 4,162 candidates who attempted the December 2021 examinations compared to 4,238 of the October 2021 and 4,453 in December 2020.

“The impact of COVID-19 pandemic is visible in the reduced number of candidates sitting for examinations,” Byamugisha said.

The Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD) had 126 candidates siting for the exams compared to 140 in October 2021 and 151 in December 2020.

The average pass rate was 51.2% which is lower than 60% of the October 2021 examinations diet but higher than 45.5% of the December 2020 examinations diet.

A total of 10 candidates completed the ATD course compared to 12 students in October 2021 and 8 in December 2020.

For Certified Tax Advisor examinations, a total of 62 candidates sat for the December 2021 examinations compared to 72 candidates in October 2021 and 58 in December 2020.


The average pass rate decreased to 26.6% from 54.6% in October 2021 and 41.2% in December 2020.

For Certified Public Accountants of Uganda examinations, there were 3,974 candidates who sat for the December 2021 examinations compared to 4,026 in October 2021 and 4,244 in December 2020.

The average pass rate was 35.5% which is a slight decline from 36.4% in October 2021. The examination board notes with concern the poor performance in some computational and core subjects such as quantitative techniques, cost and management accounting, advanced taxation, financial management, management decision and control and auditing and other assurance services. Officials urged the candidates to prepare adequately for examinations.

The cumulative total number of students who have completed the CPA course is 4,362.

Byamugisha said, they have been operating under unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has disrupted general operations and preparedness of students.

“Now that restrictions have been eased, the students should gear themselves for 2022,” he said.

Going forward, the board has planned to conduct four examinations diets – one in March, the other in June, September and December.

One comment

  1. send me a list of students who are going to integrate in the next semister of 2022

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