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ICT GRANTS: 45 Ugandan startups get over sh140million each

FLASHBACK: The then ICT ministers Tumwebaze and Aidah Nantaba listen to an innovator at the first awards in 2018. The third phase winners were announced this week.

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Forty five Ugandan start-ups will each get a budget boost of over sh140million to enable them refine and complete their innovations.

The 45 were picked by the selectors – The National ICT Initiatives Support Program (NIISP) – as having the best chance of hitting the Ugandan, African and global market.

The 45 innovators shall receive a collective total of sh7.39 billion ‘to finish the job’. The exact breakdown of how much each will get, has not been shared yet.

Focus in the 2020/2021 awards supposed to have been held last year, were on applications for innovations that support the fight against COVID-19, health information systems and applications to improve public service delivery.

ICT Minister Judith Nabakooba presided over the NIISP 2020-2021 grants award ceremony on Wednesday, where she said government looks to the innovation ideas being commercialized.

Among the successful projects that have been supported include the Academic Information Management System (AIMS) which is currently implemented in all public universities.

The ICT Minister Nabakooba has handed over the sh7.3 billion cheque to help Ugandan innovators. PHOTO ICT MEDIA

Nabakooba said government recognizes the potential of ICT to transform the economy and people’s lives through job creation and accelerated economic growth though increased productivity

History of NIISP

The National ICT Initiatives Support Program was established in 2018 to tackle challenges faced by Ugandan ICT innovators in breaking through the local and international market

NIISP aimed to promote the “development of an ecosystem and marketplace for ICT Innovation for creative digital goods from Uganda”.

In 2018, there were 12 groups of inaugural innovators who were jointly awarded sh2.5bn ( $ 695,000) to help them go to the market.

Under the guidance of Minister of ICT and National Guidance Frank Tumwebaze, NIISP, also started construction of  an ICT hub at Nakawa that will offer free work spaces to young Innovators in their primary stages of the innovation ecosystem and give direct financial support to innovations that are ready to go the market. 

Tumwebaze at the time hailed the inaugural NIISP winners. “I can now proudly report to the whole country that Ugandans have solutions of their own on the domestic market. If we can take these to the regional and international markets, then we shall have fully liberated our country from being a net importer of IT systems and solutions.”

“What remains now is for you to polish it up further, demonstrate more clearly the problem your solution intends to solve and the market that will consume your solutions. We are recognizing and commissioning you to go to the market to sell you intellectual outputs.” 

The following year 2019, there were a record 60 winning startups, each getting about sh100million each in support.

List of NIISP Phase III Grant Winners 2020-2021

Title Description
1. Eco System for Telecommuting in Uganda Eco System for Telecommuting in Uganda
2. SANPAY A mobile application technology that empowers mobile-money users to instantly pay for goods and services by Scanning bills with their phones
3. My Musawo An app that allows Ugandans to have immediate access to medical experts, services, products and information
4. The Cradle Online Early Childhood Development Application Innovation that empowers parents or primary caregivers with knowledge and practices about early childhood
5. COVID19 DATA ENGINE Innovation to churn COVID related data into useful insights
6. GOGP-Telemedicine application Telemedicine application which by video chat remotely connects those in need of medical assistance with qualified doctors
7. Nzani Hub Skills Platform for COVID19 response An e-learning hands-on skills platform that provides first ever hands-on practical skills to young people and provide an e-learning skills platform during and after COVID
8. ZOORA Zoora is a community empowerment platform for digital education for VSLAs
9. National last mile Postal Supply Chain with the use of National Postcodes and Addresses The Innovation provides a national cellular phone platform
10. skooldesk A web based platform that improves proficiency levels in English, Math and Science
11. FolloApp A web and mobile application that leverages on Ministry of Health Village Health Teams (VHTs) model to increase utilisation of antenatal services among pregnant mothers and health facility deliveries during and after covid-19 pandemic in Uganda
12. LetsFarmApp Connecting subsistence farmers to buyers, extension workers and input providers during and after covid-19 pandemic through USSD
13. electronic Village Health Team An intuitive tablet based application that digitizes training modules for Village Health Teams
14. MyBlood App Mobile and USSD code based application that enables people to register as potential blood donors
15. COVidTrace An obtrusive and intuitive app that records user movement data and stores it locally on the smartphone for 14 days
16. FlipPay A payment platform that facilitates money transfer, merchant payments, fundraising, and lending/borrowing among groups. The solution is in the beta tasting stage.
17. Surveillance testing and follow up system for COVID It helps in automating and digitizing the identification and tracing of COVID-19 suspects and cases as well as their contacts
18. CAUCUS (Robust online collaboration platform) CAUCUS source code and commercialization
19. CAUCUS CAUCUS maintenance and support
20. Government Radio Network Single platform two way radio network to boost effective intercommunication
21. SCINTL Smart Campus A home-grown cloud based school management and e-learning platform for all educational institutions
22. Digital Agriculture Advisory and Extension Platform for Food Security During and After COVID Crisis Farmers Call Center providing agriculture advisory and extension services to the last mile smallholder farmers
23. DOTSAIDIA DOTSHULE A turnkey ICT based information management platform for all schools
24. Movement Authorization Website Application A website which allows the general public to request for authorization from authorities to move and perform essential activities during the pandemic lockdown period
25. Busitema University Lightboard for enhanced online learning of STEM courses An innovative e-learning tool known as the light board enables the teacher/lecturer to have eye contact with the learners and therefore in due processes enhanced learning
26. The Touchless Wash Kit An automated touchless point-of-hand washing system that uses digital sound communication to promote hand hygiene adherence during use
27. Tracenode Relief and Aid Distribution System A crowdfunding solution connects those in Urgent need of help to those who can contribute through a USSD and web application
28. Electronic Quarantine Monitoring System Using smart radio frequency infrastructure attached to a home quarantined person to ensure they stay home
29. A GIS Based Disease Surveillance System for Mbarara Regional Hospital GIBDSS A GIS-Based Disease surveillance System-GIBEDSS is used for real time spatial monitoring and management of epidemics
30. Yukudemy An Open E-learning Platform-OEP geared towards the sharing of skills and knowledge
31. centralized information portal Centralizes from information ministries and parastatals in one place
32. Ogaget National Ambulance Service Innovation to assist with fastest access to emergency medical transport and immediate care that aligns with the budget of a patient
33. AccesAble A platform that connects Deaf people with the service providers using SL interpreters
34. Cogniware Insights Epidemiology An open platform for health ministries and security agencies, to manage and apply protective measures such as smart quarantine, isolation and contact tracing effectively
35. Open Data Portal This portal shall be used to publish approved Government datasets from various sectors. The dat will be presented in open and accessible formats without any restrictions so that it can be reused by stakeholders to generate other innovative products and services.
36. Online Interactive Learning platform with inbuilt learning analytics An Online Interactive Learning platform with inbuilt learning analytics
37. eFikia-web based Video Conferencing solution A web based video conferencing solution that allows people to communicate remotely through a web browser. eFikia simplifies the process of online meeting and makes it so easy that anyone can use it.
38. Uganda Health Survey Geographical Information Systems Project A novel digital innovation for surveillance of the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19 pandemic cases and existing diseases of public health concern. Our innovation will use Geographical Information System-GIS to collect surveillance data and shared on a platform in real-time.
39. Terra the Robot A physical robot that has an arm that can lift through 2 feet vertically, remotely controlled up to 300 metres away, has two automated carrier containers, has a display screen, automatic sanitizer pump, navigation sensors like ultrasonic sensors and temperature, she has two driving wheels and a support at the back, and made of acrylic and wood.
40. Surveillance tracing and follow up system for COVID An integrated system that helps Ministry of Health to control the spread of COVID-19 by automating and digitizing the identification and tracing of COVID-19 suspects and cases as well as their contacts, using mobile phones and locations-based services
41. Gulu University Digital Solutions Platform A digital solution to support the public services delivery system through digital education platform and solutions to support the fight against coronavirus pandemic in Uganda.
42. Digital Technologies to fight COVID-19 in Northern Uganda COMNETU proposes to enhance national efforts in the fight against the coronavirus and improvement in the service delivery sector by deploying her SMS platform
43. CTI (Call The Clinic CV19) A digital healthcare Application that leverages telemedicine, artificial intelligence, data, and a mobile team of medical professionals to deliver an affordable suite of healthcare products for over-the-phone infectious diseases or medical emergencies like COVID-19
44. Victoria University Mobile App to Access Vehicle Security Details A mobile application which will be installed on mobile devices operated by law enforcement officers to identify whether a particular vehicle on the road is complying with the traffic regulations and whether the driver’s license being carried by the driver is valid.
45. Digital Market Place for Local Manufacturers An Electronic Trade Enabler that eliminates demand and supply chain bottlenecks by facilitating manufacturers via a Web-based platform that brings manufacturers, buyers and suppliers together to discover, collaborate, purchase and partner to close business dealings.

✳ We will add a column with a URL to the app development or to an online page of the innovators as soon as we get it. If you are one of the 45, reach us via twitter @ugindependent 


2019 NISSP grant award winners

There were a record 60 winning startups that emerged out of the 100 finalists. They were each given grants of up to sh100million.


2018 NISSP grant award winners

    1. AIMS: The Academic Information Management System (AIMS) is an Integrated information system locally designed and customized to Meet the needs of the Universities in Uganda. The system is designed For computerization of student information, fees, financial and all Other University functions.
    2. Kicare: KiCare is a non-invasive solution that tests for Kidney functionality; the difference is that a blood sample is not required to perform this kidney functionality test. 
    3. Protecting infants remotely by SMS (PRISMS) is an SMS based system which assists health workers to provide new-born care clinical management through provision of instant clinical care decisions based on routine assessment findings.
    4. Wulira app: Is a hearing assessment mobile application that is used to assess hearing loss in patients such as those on TB or HIV medications. This application helps patients discover that they have hearing loss before it is too late for medical practitioners to remedy.
    5. Sysimo technologies: Blood Donation System (BDS) is a mobile based Application which facilitates communication between blood donors And blood donation centres so that the appropriate donor can be Reached just on time.
    6. Dero energy services limited: This application supports the acquisition of localized solar power which is cheaper than grid power to support renewable energy.
    7. Energrow: aims to catalyze socio-economic development through sustainable electricity demand growth, by means of digital financial inclusion, business training and increased energy literacy.
    8. Intel world international: Xente is an application that enables cashless consumer to business transactions. It is an online payment platform that enables businesses to reach and transact with their customers.
    9. OCULAR: Ocular is a mobile application which enables diagnosis for microscopically diagnosed diseases. This application is at prototype level and has been successfully tested– it sits on a mobile phone which is connected to a Microscope for the diagnosis.
    10. 6th SENSE: 6th Sense is a mobile application which translates Sign language to speech. It is applicable in service delivery facilities to support persons with disability especially the deaf and the dumb and addresses our equity aspirations.
    11. Munu technologies: Munu Technologies Associates(MTA) is an IT company offering business processing outsourcing(BPO) services to organizations seeking operational effectiveness, greater flexibility and lower operating costs.
    12.  M-Farmer: M-Farmer software is designed to extend technology services to farmers. This application enables farmers to keep better records, increase efficiency of operations and make informed decisions. It shall help provide support to the farmers including extension services, market and weather information, etc.



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  2. Polite Request for14 New Most Economical Intercity and 14 High Decker Intercity Coaches – Start up Grant Request to Create Employment and Support Post Stroke Victim

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