Cover story
Truth about Karuma, Isimba mess
When construction of Uganda’s largest hydropower project at Karuma started four years ago, there was a lot of optimism in the country. Now, the 650MW dam and another dam Isimba are in the news for shoddy works and negligence of duty. Now, the top technocrats at the Ministry of Energy have been suspended. The Independent brings you details of this saga.
Last Word – A frank memo to our elite
Andrew Mwenda argues that the uproar over the poor state of health facilities is fanned by the self-indulgence of the elite in Uganda who assume intellectual superiority over those who hold public office.
News Analysis – Time to tame family politics
How can a situation whereby a person replaces her sister as MP, a daughter replaces her dad in Parliament and a Minister and his son will be colleagues in the same House? An analysis by The Independent makes an attempt to answer those questions.
Foreign News – Rouseff impeachment: What happens next?
Brazilian President is a fighter but her recent impeachment by the Brazilian lower house of Parliament may spell the end her of her presidency. However her touted successors also have tainted records and will have to inherit a battered economy.
Health – How the ancient world dealt with cancer
Cancer today is a raging epidemic claiming tens of thousands of lives around the world every year. Read about how ancient Greeks and Egyptians used unorthodox methods to avert the deadly disease.
Business – Stanbic nets Shs150bn profit
Since Patrick Mweheire took over as CEO at Stanbic Bank over a year ago, there has been marked improvement with last year’s net profit hitting Shs150 billion. We break down the numbers to show you why shareholders of Uganda’s biggest commercial bank are not smiling to the bank in spite of this huge growth.
Interview – Uganda National Chamber of Commerce in dire straits
Andrew Rugasira, the famous Good African Coffee entrepreneur, talks to The Independent about the challenges the business apex body is facing and the proposition he has to bring about the long-awaited turnaround.