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In The Magazine

magazine stories

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

America developing new warfare technology | JASON SHERMAN | When Russia annexed Crimea and meddled in Ukraine’s Donets Basin, or Donbas, region in 2014, its military revealed new technology, organisation and tactics—and upended much of the U.S. military’s thinking about modern warfare. Now, as Moscow keeps U.S. and European leaders …

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Low student loan recovery

  9% recovery rate threatens government support to needy bright students Kampala, Uganda | MUBATSI ASINJA HABATI | Maurice Muhindo was excited to get a study loan from the Government of Uganda to finance his degree in secondary education at university under the Higher Education Students’ Financing Board. Muhindo was …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: Museveni, Mbabazi connection

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | These are the top stories in this week’s THE INDEPENDENT. COVER STORY The new Museveni, Mbabazi connection: Can their new plan stave-off coup fear? THE LAST WORD The Uganda-DRC case: How the ruling against Uganda presents Africa a golden opportunity to expose the hypocrisy of …

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Let them eat respect?

  Why plenty of observers are confident that workers who feel ignored will become a far-right constituency COMMENT | JAN-WERNER MUELLER | A few victories by center-left parties in large countries hardly makes for an international trend. Nonetheless, wins by the U.S. Democrats in 2020 and the German Social Democrats …

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The West must accept reality in Ukraine

Unless the US can show that it’ll fight, Ukraine won’t escape from Russian influence to true independence COMMENT | NANCY QIAN | The buildup of Russian forces near Ukraine’s border has led to fears of a new war. But the conflict is hardly new, and nor are Russia’s objectives. Ukraine, …

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The Controversy in African Contemporary Art

What is African art and should African diaspora artists enjoy the  African artists identity? Kampala, Uganda | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | The term African Contemporary art despite its success in global art circles in recent years, has not been without controversy. In the early 1990s and before, the term generated a …

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Ending Female Genital Mutilation

How COVID-19 undermines cross border efforts to curb the vice Kampala, Uganda | PATRICIA AKANKWATSA | As countries introduce more comprehensive anti-Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) laws and policies, cross-border FGM has emerged as a new trend among practising communities to evade prosecution. And it has been escalated by the COVID-19 …

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