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In The Magazine

magazine stories

Can national reconciliation defeat populism?

Why U.S. should spearhead mending of flawed democracies in allied countries through national reconciliation COMMENT | MACIEJ KISILOWSKI & ANNA WOJCIUK | Pro-Russian populist Robert Fico’s strong showing in Slovakia’s election could lead to another fracture in the Western-led coalition to counter Vladimir Putin’s imperialism. Already, cracks have been emerging in …

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Affirmative action under siege

The conundrum of group-based policies for countries riddled with deep-rooted intergroup inequalities COMMENT | ASHWINI DESHPANDE | Should individuals receive differential treatment based on race, caste, gender, religion, or any other accident of birth? In June 2023, the United States Supreme Court answered this question with a firm “no,” as it …

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The symphony of synergy

The power of sharing of ideas, research, and development resources in enhancing service delivery and business COMMENT | BARBARA NAMUBIRU | In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the adage “no man is an island” has never been more meaningful. The power of collaboration is a critical driver of success, not only …

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#Politicianeyes (Let ME Help you Lead you)

Cannon Rumanzi’s photographs of election posters satirize the nature of democracy in Uganda ART | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Uganda is only two years away from the next general election but the election fever is already in high gear. The recent country-wide tour by the leading opposition party, National Unity Platform, that …

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Museveni’s push for interest rate capping

Despite understandable frustration among the general public, it won’t be easy avoiding the Cobra’s Bite COMMENT | SIMON M. MUTUNGI | During the British imperial rule in India, the city of Delhi found itself grappling with a significant infestation of venomous cobras. In an earnest attempt to mitigate this issue, the …

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