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In The Magazine

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Fighting HIV/AIDS

Uganda’s tough choice between prevention and treatment Kampala, Uganda | FLAVIA NASSAKA | Uganda will in 2019 launch two researches aimed at preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. The first, dubbed ‘Deliver’,will be based on ring laced with the HIV drug Dapivirinebeing placed in the vagina and an oral drugTruvadataken daily …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: What next for Kayihura?

  Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The top stories in this week’s THE INDEPENDENT. COVER STORY What next for Kayihura?: Charges bogus, says Museveni But ISO says it has new charges THE LAST WORD The destiny of nations: Why some nations prosper and others stagnate and what we cannot …

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MOTORING: How safe is your car?

The five factors to consider Kampala, Uganda | AGENCIES | For a car to be considered safe for passengers, it must be able to perform well in accident avoidance and maximally protect them in case of accidents; especially collisions and roll-overs. This means the car must have effective driving and collision …

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COMMENT: Stop killing the messenger

Reporters need be allowed to work because silencing them increases crimes and threatens democracy COMMENT | ROBERT MAHONEY | What does it cost to silence a muckraking reporter? In the Philippines, officials needed just $250 in 2011 to buy the services of a journalist-slaying gunman. In Slovakia, Ján Kuciak and his …

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COMMENT: Potential of EU-Africa trade

Research suggests for Africa to avoid losses, focus should be on strengthening AfCFTA and EPAs die COMMENT | CARLOS LOPES | China’s use of trade and investment links to expand its influence in Africa is fueling growing concern in some European capitals. But, instead of complaining about China’s activities, the European …

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ARTS: What is beautiful exhibit

Sekajugo’s artist inspired by prejudices around identity Kampala, Uganda | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Each of us is unique. It is impossible to judge us outside of our individuality or using one yardstick. Still, stereotypes persist. And these issues are the inspiration for Collin Sekajugo’s recent exhibit `What is beautiful’. He interrogates …

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COMMENT: Money in America’s midterm elections

U.S. politics has been corrupted by money, gerrymandering and massive attempts at disenfranchisement COMMENT | JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ | All eyes are on the United States as November’s Congressional elections approach. The outcome will answer many alarming questions raised two years ago, when Donald Trump won the presidential election. Will the …

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Broad day torture sign of failing government

Kampala, Uganda | AGNES E NANTABA | Dr Livingstone Ssewanyana is the Executive Director of Foundation for Human Rights Initiative. He spoke to the Independent’s Agnes E Nantaba about implications of the vivid torture incidents in the country. Comment on the recent torture incidences of torture including DP’s Yusuf Kawooya. The …

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