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In The Magazine

magazine stories

2017 year of Togikwatako

The foolishness & falsehoods Kampala, Uganda | FLAVIA NASSAKA | One of the enduring sights from the Dec.18 session of parliament to debate amending Article 102 (b) will be that of Allan Ssewanyana, placing his buttocks on the table of parliament and stretching his hand across to grab a report that …

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Safaricom unveils new TV decoders

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Kenya’s telecom firm, Safaricom, has relaunched its Internet-enabled digital TV decoders in the market a year after it suspended sales to address technical malfunctions, according to Business Daily. The telco started selling the Safaricom Digital TV and Internet Box for Kshs 9,999 (Shs350, 000) at …

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Umeme to invest US$155millin in 2018

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda’s electricity distributor, Umeme, is to invest $155 million during 2018 to among other things, refurbish old networks, build new power sub-stations and improve the network across the country. The firm’s Deputy Managing Director, Sam Zimbe, said they have submitted an investment plan for the …

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`Dr. Bbosa’ Sam Bagenda

30 years of fun, greed, and lechery on stage Kampala, Uganda | AGNES NANTABA | `Dr Bbosa’ is a very familiar name among fans of local drama series in Uganda. He was a character played by Sam Bagenda in the then popular long-running local drama series `That’s Life Mwattu’ that started …

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Smartphone addiction

Study shows danger of imbalance it creates in your brain Kampala, Uganda | AGENCIES | Researchers have found an imbalance in the brain chemistry of young people addicted to smartphones and the internet, according to a study presented on November 30 at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North …

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