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In The Magazine

magazine stories

What’s wrong with the men?

High HIV prevalence among men raises need to embrace new interventions targeting them Kampala, Uganda | FLAVIA NASSAKA |Preliminary results of the 2016 Uganda Population HIV Impact Assessment (UPHIA) survey released recently have raised the concern of health sector workers on the issue. Preliminary results of the survey showed HIV …

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COMMENT: The power of monuments

  Why the belief that smashing an image will somehow solve the problems associated with is wrong COMMENT | IAN BURUMA | The ghastly spectacle last month of neo-Nazis marching through Charlottesville, Virginia, carrying torches and barking slogans about the supremacy of the white race, was sparked by the city’s …

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SafeBoda driving passenger safety

Ricky Rapa Thomson is the co-founder and the executive director of SafeBoda, an ‘Uber’ for motorcycles based in Kampala. He spoke to The Independent’s Agnes E Nantaba about efforts to transform the transport system in the country’s major towns. What are the key elements in your management style as a …

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Riding to riches on bamboo

Kasoma’s beautiful, environmental friendly alternative to metallic bicycles  Kampala, Uganda | ANDREW S. KAGGWA | Jesus Christ on a wooden bicycle! That is an expression often used to show surprise, shock and disbelief. It could easily come to mind, for example, once someone tells you that there are bicycles made …

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Banning second-hand clothes

To stop relying on Western hand-me-downs, African countries are importing Chinese textile companies Rwanda | LILY KUO | Every day the workers at C&H Garment Factory are required to learn a few words of Chinese. Today’s lesson, written on a whiteboard at the back of a humming factory floor, is …

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Rwanda riders make history

For the first time ever, Team Rwanda, coached by former professional cyclist of Santa Rosa, California, Sterling Magnell, traveled halfway around the world just for the chance to make history. Rwanda | JEFFREY STERN | During the second week of August, a team of six riders that have been training …

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