Sunday , September 29 2024
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In The Magazine

magazine stories

COMMENT: NRM’S loss of direction

COMMENT: By Mwambutysa Ndebesa Recent ambassadorial appointments show domestic political calculations trumping ideological clarity The NRM government, and President Yoweri Museveni in particular, prides in being a president that is ideologically anchored. The President always says that his political actions are informed and guided by his beliefs and ideology. And …

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ARTS: Inside Immy Mali’s pain machine

Some people like to complain over everything, even at the slightest provocation. Anderu Immaculate aka Immy Mali prefers to seek solutions to problems. Any problem, that is. This includes complex social issues that many would rather keep under wraps or discuss in whispers and hushed tones. Unfortunately (or fortunately for …

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Courtesy and respect on the road

Common discourtesies that drivers can lapse into – such as slow driving, failure to indicate, or not allowing enough following distance – often lead to crashes First take this quiz. It involves ranking the following range of driving annoyances from one, the most annoying to you and 13, the least …

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