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In The Magazine

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COMMENT: New world order 2.0

COMMENT: By Richard N. Haass In a globalised world, a global operating system premised solely on respect for sovereignty is inadequate For nearly four centuries, since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 ended the Thirty Years’ War in Europe, the concept of sovereignty – the right of countries to an …

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How bad is your oil leak?

So your car leaks a little bit of oil.  How big of a deal is that?  If you drive into the nearest apartment complex you will see oil stains in just about every parking spot.  If everyone’s car leaks oil, it must not be a big deal … right?  Maybe, …

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ART: Uganda through Miller’s lens

There is something about Uganda that fascinates as well as it baffles, especially foreign eyes. It appears that the much touted mantra of “gifted by nature” strikes more of a chord among foreigners than Ugandans. Could it be that Ugandans are caught in the rut of the old adage, “familiarity …

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IMF on spot over liberalization policy

Christine Lagarde says government need to focus on reducing inequality The International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Jan. 27 found herself on the defensive as the audience sought for the global fund’s roles on Uganda’s development. This was during a public lecture held at the Kampala Serena Conference …

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COMMENT: Lessons from Gambia

COMMENT: By Chris Saunders & Henning Melber What southern Africa can learn from West Africa about dealing with despots? Has the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) just taught the Southern African Development Community (SADC) a lesson? The West African states effectively took a dictator to task after he …

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HEALTH: Bird flu threat

Experts say worst is over – possibly The good news announcement from the Ministry of Health came on Monday Jan. 30: the strain of avian influenza that was recently responsible for the death of many migrating wild birds in Uganda is possibly not likely to cause so-called `bird flu’ disease …

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ANALYSIS: Tension over Kyambogo VC

Varsity chairman says search will be finished in March Tension is growing again at Kyambogo University over the delay by authorities to appoint a new Vice Chancellor. Critics and students say the failure is crippling university business. Key members of the University Senate, the second highest decision making organ, on …

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RWANDA: Swelling feet disease

Podoconiosis: A neglected tropical disease causing havoc in Rwanda rural areas A group of 25 people sit, their eyes downcast, on the verdant freshly mowed field at a churchyard in Musanze town. The sky above is thick with dark clouds, promising rains. It’s a perfect morning to be in their …

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