Sunday , September 29 2024
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In The Magazine

magazine stories

Exciting week in gorilla world

  When a group of endangered mountain gorillas from the Rwanda side of the Virunga Mountains which had migrated to the DR Congo side returned recently, one group of conservationists was overjoyed – and they showed it in a blog on Dec.5. The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, which protects about …

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Sorry; no Christmas in Kampala

New regulations hamper businesses in nation’s capital In the past, downtown Kampala has always been the busiest place in the nation. Usually crowded streets like Nabugabo Road, Kikuubo, Ben Kiwanuka Street and Luwum Street become impassable as pedestrians jostle to find a way through the Christmas-themed goods on display. This …

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Minister, MPs clash over Chinese petty traders

Legislators sitting on the parliamentary committee of trade recently clashed with Trade Minister Amelia Kyambadde over the presence of Chinese traders still involved in petty trade. The follow decisions reached earlier that that the foreign traders either set up bigger businesses or leave the country within 3 months. Kyambadde whose …

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Government seeks 390bn for health services

As a way of improving the country’s ability to provide reproductive, maternal and child health services, the Ministry of Health has tabled before Parliament a proposal to borrow $110m (390bn) from the International Development Association, an arm of the World Bank. Dr Jane Aceng, Minister for Health while appearing before …

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East Africa’s biggest solar plant launched

Residents of the eastern Uganda town of Soroti may be set to enjoy more stable and affordable power supply following the commissioning of East Africa’s largest solar power plant in the district. The $19million power plant, which is Uganda’s first gridconnected solar plant, will generate 10MW of power, with the …

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